Aarhus Universitets segl


Admission to the conference takes place in three steps:

1. Submission of abstract, deadline May 15 - extended to May 31, 2024 

2. Review, authors will be notified of status no later than June 10, 2024.

3. Registration by invitation. Link to registration will be sent out to accepted participants no later than June 10, 2024.

Please notice deadline for abstract submission and application is May 15 - extended to May 31, 2024. 

How to Register

Registration can only happen after acceptance to the conference. 

Accepted applicants are invited to register. Applicants are accepted on the basis of their submitted abstracts.

A link to registration and payment of the conference fee will be sent out to accepted participants no later than June 10.

Registration is open during 10 June - 31 July.

Registration Fee

Conference fee: 1550 DKK (approx. 223 EURO) 

Early bird registration before 1 July 1.300 DKK (approx. 187 Euro) 

The conference fee includes:  

  • Morning refreshments, Thursday and Friday 

  • Lunch, Thursday and Friday 

  • Afternoon snack, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 

  • Dinner, Wednesday (One beverage included), 

  • Conference Dinner, Thursday 

  • Water, tea and coffee during the conference

Please notice the fee does not include accommodation.

Accommodation at the venue can be purchased with a small discount when registering for the conference.

We do offer a limited amount of stipends covering the conference fee. Stipends are directed at PhD students and early-stage researchers. Please upload a motivated application letter together with your abstract if you wish to be taken into consideration for a stipend.

Cancellation and refunds

Cancellation and refunds: Cancellation of participation is possible up until August 11, 2024, with a full conference fee refund (please note that you might be subject to a transfer fee of up to 125 DKK (16-17 Euro))