Aarhus Universitets segl

Introduktion af Joona Räsanen

Ny postdoc ved CEPDISC

Joona Räsänen recently joined CEPDISC as a postdoc. While originally from Finland, Joona did his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Oslo where he also taught applied ethics and examen philosophicum. His primary research interests are in applied ethics – especially bioethics and medical ethics. He is also interested in the philosophy of medicine and discrimination.

Joona is a frequent contributor to journals in bioethics and philosophy. Currently, he is also editing a special journal issue on discrimination and prioritization in healthcare for Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics and co-editing a special journal issue on controversies in bioethics for Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.

At CEPDISC Joona’s research focus will be on personality discrimination. In particular, he will study whether it is morally wrong to hire or promote employees based on personality tests or features of temperament such as aspects of extroversion. Joona will start his investigation from the more traditional philosophy but he plans to do experimental philosophy on personality discrimination as well.