Aarhus Universitets segl

Discrimination based on partisanship

Diana Roxana Galos participated in the “Affective Polarization” Symposium in Maastricht (October 19-20) where she presented work on discrimination based on partisanship.

Here is an abstract of her talk:

Do employers discriminate based on partisanship? Partisan bias---a preference for in-partisans and against out-partisans---is rampant, leading to discrimination based on partisanship in both the political sphere as well as in several non-political domains. Yet, we know very little about whether partisan bias also extends to discrimination in the labour market—one of the most important domains in determining individuals’ life outcomes. I conduct a pre-registered experiment (i) to test whether partisan discrimination in a potential hiring situation occurs in a less polarized contexts (Denmark) and (ii) scrutinize the potential mechanisms through which this discrimination might occur. Findings show that employers strongly prefer candidates who do political volunteer work compared to non-political volunteer work (77% versus 23%). Employers also have a lower preference for candidates who volunteer for a far-right/far-left party compared to a center-left or a center-right party. Further, this is likely partly explained by political homophily as employers prefer candidates, who identify with the same party/share the same ideology as themselves. Yet, while political volunteering is an important element in employers’ hiring decisions, it does not dominate candidates’ work experience. Finally, preliminary analysis shows that candidates who signal an affiliation with the far-right party are perceived as less warm, competent, open, and having fewer social skills than candidates from the other parties.