Aarhus Universitets segl

Diana-Roxana Galos receives grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

CEPDISC affiliate and former CEPDISC-fellow Diana-Roxana Galox receives Independent Research Fund Denmark Research Project 1 grant to investigate: "Politics at Work: Uncovering Partisan Discrimination in Hiring"

Diana-Roxana Galos has been awarded a Research Project 1 grant from the independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF1) to investigate her project on discrimination based on partisanship: "Politics at Work: Uncovering Partisan Discrimination in Hiring".

"This idea was incepted while I was at CEPDISC, where the funding for a survey from the Center was instrumental in creating a stepping stone for the project. I am very grateful for that", says Diana-Roxana Galos about the commencing of the project.

Abstract: Do employers discriminate against potential employees based on their political views? While substantial attention has been paid to discrimination based on applicants' sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., gender or ethnicity), we know little about potential labor market discrimination based on political leanings. If individuals face discrimination due to their political leanings, it undermines meritocracy and hampers social integration across political lines. This project deepens our understanding of discrimination based on political leanings. First, it identifies which subtle cues employers associate with political leaning and may use as proxies for partisanship when evaluating applicants. Second, it examines the existence of discrimination based on partisanship in a wide range of professions through survey and field experiments in Denmark. The project adds to both academic and societal debates by developing a new research agenda on a timely, yet overlooked type of discrimination.