Introducing Amanda Friesen
Visiting Scholar

Amanda Friesen is the Canada Research Chair in Political Psychology and Associate Professor of Political Science and Psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Amanda will be visiting CEPDISC for the months of March and April.
Amanda is a political psychologist and direct the Body Politics Lab at Western, where they investigate what happens to our physical bodies in political spaces and how we evaluate the physical bodies and appearances of other political actors. Amanda also investigates how social identities like gender and religion impact political behaviour. Though she often uses survey experiments and traditional survey methods, she also conducts lab studies that involve interpersonal interactions, physiological measurement, and recording of emotions.
Currently, Amanda is a member of the International Society for Political Psychology General Council and an Associate Editor at the journal Political Psychology. She also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal for Experimental Political Science and Politics & Religion.
While at CEPDISC Amanda will among other things be working closely together with Claire Gothreau on research related to gender identity, weight stigma, and candidate evaluations, along with Nick Haas.
Welcome Amanda!