Aarhus Universitets segl


Workshop on minority status and rights in the Nordic context

Many groups whose lives and livelihoods have spread across borders in the Nordic region have faced challenges. Some groups are particularly hard hit. A stark example is the forceable relocation and assimilation of many indigenous Sami. Another is the history of discrimination facing the Roma. These historical injustices have arguably led to a widespread acceptance of giving special status to such minority groups (though the implementation and legislation of such rights has often lagged). More recently, a different set of groups have been added to the discussion of minority rights in the Nordic context. Do newly arrived immigrants or, e.g., members of the LGBTQ community share some moral standing with traditional minorities? Indeed, what constitutes a morally relevant minority deserving of special protection to begin with?

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 5. november 2021,  kl. 08:30 - 16:20

Jointly organized by Good Integration (GOODINT) (PI Annamari Vitikainen) & A Sense of Belonging: The cultural-historical roots to group rights (PI, Marion Godman)

Venue: Room "Saxo" at "Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Pl. 1, 1221 København K"


8.30 – 8.40 Welcome and coffee

8.40-9.30 Renaud-Philippe Garner (Aarhus) and Marion Godman (Aarhus): A troubled inheritance: how social identity and learning can help us address historical injustice

(Kerstin comments)

9.30- 10.20 Nils Holtug (Aarhus & Copenhagen): Conceptualizing Identity Politics

(Annamari comments)

10.20-10.30 Break

10.30-11.20 Kerstin Reibold (UiT & Potsdam): Who needs the truth? Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the question of who needs to eradicate prejudices

 (Marion comments)

11.20- 12.10 Annamari Vitikainen (UiT): LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions

(Kasper comments)

12.10- 13.10 Lunch 

13.10 -14.00 Marion Godman (Aarhus): Why multiculturalism is good for women

(Nils comments)

14.00 -14.50 Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus & UiT): Forgiveness, victims of historic injustice, and standing

(Michael comments)

14.50 -15.20 Coffee and cake 

15.20 - 16.20 Michael Luoma (Queens) *participating online*: Indigenous Territorial Rights, Federalism, and Negotiation

(Renaud-Philippe comments)