Aarhus Universitets segl


Multiculturalism without Privileging Liberalism

Dette seminar ved Tariq Modood er en del af den interdiciplinære forelæsningsrække "Identity and Normativity" organiseret af forskningsprojektet "A sense of Belonging" der ledes af CEPDISC fellow Marion Godman

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Mandag 14. marts 2022,  kl. 17:00 - 19:15


Lille Juridisk (1342, 455)

Foredragsholder: Tariq Modood, University of Bristol 

Titel: "Multiculturalism without Privileging Liberalism"

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Dagen efter forelæsningen afholdes en workshop med gæsteforelæseren. Workshoppen er åben for både studerende og forskere. Venligst bemærk der er et begrænset antal pladser, så tilmelding nødvendig. For tilmelding til workshoppen d. 15 marts eller eventuelle spørgsmål, skriv til identityandnormativity@gmail.com

Forelæsning og workshop er en del af Sapere Aude projektet "A sense of Belonging" ledet af CEPDISC fellow Marion Godman og finansieret af Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond. Du kan læse mere om forskningsprojektet "A Sense of Belonging" på projektets hjemmeside

Abstract: Multiculturalism without Privileging Liberalism 
Liberalism’s primary medium is that of values, principles and laws. One of the ways to de-absolutise liberalism in relation to multiculturalism and the respectful inclusion of minorities is to recognize the sociological and normative significance of other features of social life. I do so by focusing on the significance of identity and by highlighting the normative role of dialogue in a context of cultural and value conflicts. This offers a bottom-up basis for a political theory of multiculturalism, which is not simply about trends in academic liberalism but is about claims on national citizenship and national identity by those seeking inclusion in a new sense of the national. While a focus on identity, both in terms of recognition and in terms of fostering commonality and societal unity is not sufficient, it is a necessary dimension that political theorists who frame things in terms of liberalism miss, and thereby miss both what needs to be addressed and what is needed for liberal – amongst other – values to be secured. (Nor do socialists, human rights champions, cosmopolitans or localists).