Aarhus Universitets segl



The CEPDISC'23 Conference on Discrimination is the third in an annual series of international CEPDISC conferences on discrimination. The conference series explores discrimination in general and discrimination from the perspective of social psychology and philosophy in particular.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


torsdag 12. oktober 2023, kl. 09:00 - fredag 13. oktober 2023, kl. 16:15




Susan Fiske (Psychology, Princeton), Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs on “Varieties of Discrimination”.

Jules Holroyd (Philosophy, Sheffield), Mind Association's Major Research Fellowship on “Implicit Bias and Intersectionality”.

Douglas Massey (Sociology, Princeton), Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs on “The Changing Nature of Discrimination in the United States”.

Format of venue:


Rationale for the conference:

Discrimination is not only a hugely important real-life issue. It is also a theoretically important and sophisticated field of research.

The aim of the conference series is to facilitate the emergence of a large international research community that explores discrimination using the combination of two of the most powerful approaches in the academic toolbox: The philosophical analysis of concepts and the experimental analysis of data. We welcome all who are interested in either of these approaches and, in particular, who are curious and enthusiastic about their combination. Presentations that specifically explore this combination are particularly welcome at CEPDISC'23 but the conference is also very much open to a broader range of presentations on discrimination, e.g., to papers on discrimination employing the methods of legal theory or sociology.



The conference call is open to the following presentations:

  • Paper presentations: 25 minutes sessions (Q&A included)
  • Poster

Read more about the conference and see programme on the conference website: https://ps.au.dk/cepdisc/cepdisc23-conference-on-discrimination