Aarhus Universitets segl


CEPDISC Reading Group

on Amia Srinivasan’s essay collection "The Right to Sex"

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 21. februar 2022,  kl. 15:30 - 16:30



Preparation for 21 February: “Coda: The Politics of Desire”

Organizer: Astrid Fly Oredsson
Sign Up: If you are interested in joining and are not an CEPDISC'er please e-mail Astrid Fly Oredsson

Amia Srinivasan is a philosopher and political theorists whose work primarily focuses on issues relating to race, gender and sex. Apart from being the first woman and person of colour to take up the Chichele Professorship in Social and Political Theory at Oxford, she is also the youngest person ever to do so. Furthermore, she’s a frequent contributor to publications such as the London Review of Books, The New York Review of Books, Harper’s and The New Yorker.

The Right to Sex is a collection of essays that all in some shape or form engage with topics that have been prominently discussed in both public and academic feminist debates in the 21st century, e.g., #MeToo, pornography and sex positivity, consent, discrimination in the dating sphere and the politics of sexual desire.

The Reading group will be meeting every other Monday afternoon and aim to discuss one essay/chapter per meeting. Thus, we don’t expect there to be an excessive amount of reading for each meeting, and we hope to have two sessions before Christmas and four in the new year.

Where to get the book: You can either try to get hold of a copy through AU library or e.g. buy one at Saxo.com: https://www.saxo.com/dk/the-right-to-sex_amia-srinivasan_paperback_9781526612557