Aarhus University Seal

Outreach 2021

Marion Kathe Godman consider her relationship with her father who developed Alzheimer's disease and criticize dominant models of social interactions and relationships. She argues that the point of a relationship is not what we exchange or achieve within it. The point is not even that we depend on others for our vital needs. The point is simply that a relationship is valuable in and of itself. The article is published in the journal Think: Psychology for Everyone by Cambridge, 13 January 2021: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/think/article/alzheimers-disease-and-relationships-of-value/FF2661790FA31BBE04FBBDEF4471F108.

Frej Klem Thomsen discusses the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in decision-making processes and raises the question of whether humans should always be involved in such decisions. AI is already used to evaluate bank loans and in emergency call situations, but there is a significant difference between letting an algorithm make the decision on its own and using it as decision support for humans.

The article problematizes that human involvement does not always lead to better decisions and points out two main types of cognitive biases that can arise with algorithmic decision support: automation bias and confirmation bias. Automation bias causes people to place too much weight on algorithmic assessments, while confirmation bias leads to people only recognizing the algorithm's assessments if they align with their own preconceived notions. The article was brought by Politiken on 18 August 2021 (behind payment wall).

Andreas Brøgger Albertsen on how a vaccine tax could ensure a more equitable global vaccine distribution during the pandemic (based on Andreas Brøgger Albertsen's publication in the Journal of Medical Ethics) in a BBC One news program, 16 November 2021: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011r0z.

Renaud-Philippe Garner argues that Eric Zemmour presents a classic nationalist narrative with three phases: a past golden age or lost paradise, a demoralizing present, and the hope for a bright future. Zemmour is criticized for being nostalgic and dystopian, but his message also includes a promise of national rebirth. He emphasizes a specific French identity rather than a universal one and expresses skepticism towards the elites, whom he believes have betrayed the nation. Zemmour draws on the nationalist idea of past greatness, present decline, and future potential, which has significant mobilizing power among voters. This makes him a prominent figure in the political landscape despite his lack of political experience.

Garner argue that while it is true that candidates like Zemmour do not shy away from the ethnic component of national identity, those who seek to condemn fail to see that many of their own positions rely on implicit appeals to the value of ethnicity (ethnic ties). The article was brought in Causeur, 10 December 2021: https://www.causeur.fr/zemmour-cest-la-france-eternelle-a-lere-de-reseaux-sociaux-219846. The article is in French.

Kim Mannemar Sønderskov reviews a recently published study showing that Danes overestimate the proportion of non-Western immigrants and their descendants and have a more negative perception of their integration than the reality suggests. The study, a collaboration between the Danish Knowledge Centre for Integration, Mandag Morgen, and researchers from Aalborg University, reveals misconceptions about employment, crime, and support for democracy among these groups.

The study is both interesting and relevant, but in the media, the results are often presented based on assumptions not supported by the research literature. The article examines three common misconceptions that affect how the study’s results should be interpreted. The article was brought in Berlingske, 20 December 2021 (behind payment wall): https://www.berlingske.dk/kronikker/danskernes-viden-om-indvandring-og-integration-fakta-eller. The article is in Danish.