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The new book by Jørgen Møller and Georg Sørensen is a truly accessible introduction to international relations, which demystifies the key theories,…
The new book "Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World" by Peter Munk Christiansen has been published by Aarhus University Press.
The new book is an authoritative and comprehensive textbook on public administration seen from a political science perspective. Revised by Jens…
Ny bog om centraladministrationens embedsfolk som folkestyrets formidlere.
Jørgen Møller's new book "Historien om Europa" uses four major themes to show how European societies have been turned upside down time and time again,…
Christian Bøtcher, Clara Siboni Lund and Florian Keppeler from King Frederik Center for Public Leadership have contributed to a new book on leadership…
The new book "Folkets Love - Folkeafstemninger om danske grundlove" is written by dr.scient.pol. and Professor Emeritus Palle Svensson.
The 2022 general election was characterised by two interrelated phenomena: an intense battle for the political centre and a strong focus on the party…
Fourth edition of the textbook "International Politik NU" is out.
The new book provides a balanced, critical, and comprehensive coverage of the theories and realities of autocratization and democratization.
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