Lydia Tsiakiri joined CEPDISC in September
Lydia is a recently joined PhD student at CEPDISC

Hi everyone!
My name is Lydia, and I am a new Ph.D. student at the department. In terms of sectional affiliation, I will be joining the political theory section, and, more specifically, the Centre for the Experimental – Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC). I hold a BA in Philosophy from the National University of Athens, Greece, and a MSc in Bioethics and Society from King’s College London, so I am a complete newcomer to the Danish mentality and culture, and Aarhus University’s norms and life!
In my project, I will attempt to examine whether discrimination could target or derive from acquired features, in addition to innate ones, through the comparative consideration of two case studies - the case of differential treatment based on one’s acquired health status in comparison with the one based on one’s acquired income. To respond to the initial question, I will adopt an integrated empirical ethics approach engaging equally in theoretical argumentation and empirical research analysis. In this challenging journey, I will be accompanied by Dr. Andreas Brøgger Albertsen and Dr. Troels Bøggild.
I contribute systematically to the editing of a Greek free access bi-annual journal called Conatus – Journal of Philosophy, and I have recently completed the translation in Greek of a Bioethics Casebook on Organ Transplantation and Tissue Donation (Teaching Ethics in Organ Transplantation and Tissue Donation Cases and Movies).
When I am not at the university, I enjoy reading (favourite form of literature: the dystopian one), listening to music (a soundtrack lover), and conversations/activities with good company. If you want to chat about critical Bioethics questions, like the ones related to abortion, euthanasia, transplantation, etc., or just interact with somebody with totally different origins from yours, please come by my office, 1340 – 260!
I am looking forward to getting to know each one of you and becoming an active member of this thriving academic community!