Aarhus University Seal

Inauguration of CEPDISC

On Friday 4. December CEPDISC had its official opening ceremony with a visit from AU’s Rector and with the Director of the Danish National Research Foundation participating on a virtual connection.

Corona adjourned the originally planned official opening of the centre back in August, and approaching the rescheduled December opening the evolving state of the pandemic coupled with the uncertainty about bringing an event together already limited in size made us reconsider the plan of an all physical event.

We ended up with a hybrid event with inaugural speeches on zoom by the Director of the Danish National Research Foundation, Søren Peter Olesen, and Professor Lotte Thomsen, with CEPDISCers attending in the Auditorium where Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, Head of Department Peter Munch Christiansen and Centre Director Kasper-Lippert Rasmussen gave their talks while most participants joined virtual on Zoom. 

Read more about the opening on DNRF’s webpage 

Read the news piece by BSS here (in Danish)