Diana Galos will be part of a project on international recruiting
Diana Galos, together with Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen (PI) and Florian Keppeler (the Crown Prince Frederik Center for Public Leadership, Department of Political Science), and Elizabeth Linos (Harvard Kennedy School and the People Lab) and Brenda Sciepura (UC Berkeley and the People Lab), in cooperation with Niels Højberg and Mette Grønborg Stennicke (the Crown Prince Frederik Center for Public Leadership, Department of Political Science) and Copenhagen Capacity, have received a Semper Arden grant of DKK. 9 mil for a project on international recruiting.

The project is to develop evidence-based and viable solutions for healthcare organisations that wish to recruit, select and hire care personnel from Europe in a sustainable manner. From CEPDISC Diana Galos will lead work package 2 (WP2) which measures discrimination and designs interventions to reduce it in personnel selection. You can read more about the project here