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Tuesday 22 June Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen will give a talk at the Desert - Centre for Moral and Political Philosophy Annual Conference
The article, written by Prof. Kim Mannemar Sønderskov in collaboration with Peter T. Dinesen & Bertel T. Hansen (University of Copenhagen), Søren D.…
CEPDISC member Michael Bang Petersen received on 31. May the Fritz Kauffman's award for his contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic with ”crucial…
Thursday May 27 CEPDISC participates in MatchPoints - a conference arranged by Aarhus University (May 27–29, 2021). This year the theme is “Democracy…
On Friday 4 June Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen is invited to give a key note speech at the workshop "Working as Equals" hosted by Elfenworks Center of SEBA…
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