Aarhus University Seal


Is Nationalism Recent, Invented And Superficial?

This lecture by Azar Gat from Tel Aviv University is part of the interdisciplinary lecture series "Identity and Normativity" organised by the research project “A Sense of Belonging” led by Associate Professor and CEPDISC fellow Marion Godman.

Info about event


Wednesday 20 April 2022,  at 17:00 - 19:15


Lille Juridisk (1342, 455)

Speaker: Azar Gat, Tel Aviv University

Title: "Is Nationalism Recent, Invented And Superficial?"

The seminars are open for all - please register for a glass of wine !

Register via the QR kode on the poster or follow the registration link.

The day after the public lecture, on March 21th, there will be a workshop with Tariq Modood. Students and faculty are welcome to attend. Please notice there are a limited number of seats. Please contact the organizers if you are interested in joining the workshop at identityandnormativity@gmail.com


The lecture series on identity and normativity is a part of the research project “A Sense of Belonging” led by Associate Professor and CEPDISC fellow Marion Godman and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. You can read more about the research project "A Sense of Belonging" here