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CEPDISC Seminar with Haruka Maeda, PhD, and Professor Osamu Sakura

"Fairness and discrimination perception focused on contexts and demographics"

Info about event


Monday 20 February 2023,  at 14:00 - 15:30





Speaker: Haruka Maeda, PhD, and Professor Osamu Sakura, University of Tokyo
Title: "Fairness and discrimination perception focused on contexts and demographics" 

Recent debates regarding algorithmic bias have focused on fairness perception, which describes how people feel regarding decisions of automated decision systems. Several researchers have argued that surveys to unveil when and why people think the decision constitutes discrimination are required. However, the concept of “when” can include a variety of situations, which could affect people’s perceptions.
We conducted a quantitative survey focused on context dependency in America and Japan. This study investigated the context of discrimination, focusing on “who” and “how” is discriminated against. Our paper offers the results of case comparison and analysis of types of people that perceive specific examples as discriminative. And we discuss further the difference between the survey results of America and Japan.

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