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Citizens may counteract polarisation and be the guarantors of sound political decisions. This is the main message in an article by Professor Rune…
Academically, primary and secondary school students of low socioeconomic status benefit significantly from national tests. However, schools with the…
A new study from the department explores how interest groups frame their messages in the media. This may help us understand how our perception of…
Several studies have concluded that male researchers are cited more than their female counterparts. However, researchers from the Danish Centre for…
The logic of the primitive man is deeply stored in our brains. Also when it comes to politics. Hear what significance human evolution has in the…
Political parties are able to weaken their rivals’ reputation among voters. New research from Aarhus BSS shows that an effective strategy for doing so…
New research from the department shows that voters’ perception of Danish democracy is affected by whether they vote for a winning or a losing party.…
LONGREAD: Insights, a media platform from Aarhus BSS, takes you back to four historical elections that have each made their mark on the political…
When Danish school teachers are under pressure, they discriminate students with Middle Eastern names. This is the conclusion of new research from…
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