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The Department of Political Science at Aarhus University is among the best in the world at producing PhD graduates who gain employment at prestigious…
Dan Jørgensen (S), Minister for Development Cooperation and Minister for Global Climate Policy, has appointed a new Development Policy Council. The…
On Monday, Kristian Vrede Skaaning Frederiksen, PhD student in political science from Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University, was presented with the…
With 847 and 778 citations respectively, political science professors Rune Stubager and Michael Bang Petersen are among the top 10 most cited experts…
How and why do politicians learn from policies from abroad when looking for solutions to problems such as inflation, climate change and pandemics?…
Associate professor of political science Henrik Bech Seeberg receives a Sapere Aude research leader grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark…
The COVID-19 crisis caused broad segments of the public to support protests and feel concerned about their own political rights, according to new…
At the recent annual meeting of Danish Political Science Association, Professor of Political Science Svend-Erik Skaaning was appointed new president.
Associate professor of political science Martin Bisgaard from Aarhus BSS has been appointed research affiliate at the University of California,…
In 2021, he averaged eight daily appearances in Danish media, and he has also communicated his knowledge internationally in media such as CNN, BBC,…
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See all new books authored by the researchers of the Department of Political Science.