The objective of the Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity (SOPs4RI) project is to promote excellent research that aligns with the principles and norms of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, and to counter research misconduct.

SOPs4RI will stimulate transformational processes across European research performing organisations (RPOs) and research funding organisations (RFOs) to achieve this goal. SOPs4RI involves a mixed-methods, co-creative approach to the development and empirical validation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines to cultivate research integrity and reduce detrimental practices.

  • With rigorous methods, the SOPs and guidelines will be developed by experts and key stakeholders and will be offered as flexible tools for RPOs and RFOs to develop Research Integrity Promotion Plans.
  • Active researchers in the EU and selected OECD countries will be surveyed as part of the validation procedure.
  • Proposals for appropriate incentives and novel sanctions will be developed to promote adoption.

The discipline-sensitive SOPs and guidelines will support the production of sound, trust-worthy knowledge, a precondition for tackling the current crisis of truth and trust in science. In turn, a strong research integrity culture and high epistemic quality of research-based knowledge will make a vital contribution to addressing the EU’s current and future challenges.

SOPs4RI is fully aligned with the core objectives of the Science with and for Society 2018-20 Work Programme and will draw upon and liaise with other projects in the work programme. To maximise the feasibility and impact of the project’s outcomes, SOPs4RI engages with key stakeholders in the ERA and beyond in an iterative development, cost benefit assessment, and real world validation of the toolbox of SOPs and guidelines. A strategic communication plan leveraging the support of key partners will be implemented to maximise short, medium, and longer term impacts. SOPs4RI involves 13 partner organisations and is coordinated by CFA.

Project website: