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At the seminar there will be a course in "Basic Project Management" and Professor, Vibeke Lehmann, will make a presentation on the relevance of a…
On the 14th of March The Danish Council for Independent Research conducted the conference “Gender, Research and Excellence” focusing on bias in the…
(In Danish only)
"Klagen drejer sig om påstået forskelsbehandling på grund af køn som følge af, at det indklagede universitet har vedtaget en handleplan, der belønner…
A recent report reveals that only 12% of third year female PhD students want a career in academia. Curt Rice looks at the reasons why and warns that…
This expert report provides the analysis needed to take action and points to good practices in research institutions which retain and promote women in…
Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology - in this special issue,…
The Danish Council for Independent Research opens a new mobility program aimed at researchers in the beginning of their research career
Women hold only 12% of top science positions in Europe. The TWIST project is raising awareness about the role and representation of women in science.
It is common knowledge that despite significant efforts to reduce the education and employment gap between sexes, the issue remains unresolved.
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