
This section is intended as a platform for national as well as international research results regarding topics such as gender equality in academia and women in science.

She Figures 2012

She Figures 2012 is published by the European Comission. It is the fourth publication presenting key indicators essential to understanding the situation of women in the field of academic research. 
Published every third year since 2003, She Figures presents human resource statistics and indicators in the research and technological development sector (RTD) as well as gender equality in research.

Download the report here

New report on women in science and engineering at MIT

This report concerns the current status of women faculty in the MIT Schools of Science and Engineering.
In the last decade, there has been a near doubling in the number of women faculty in science and engineering at MIT, and those women have an increasingly positive experience at the Institute. However, there are still issues that need to be resolved to increase the recruitment, retention and equity of women faculty members at the Institute.

The full report is available here

Gender and Research – The Danish Council for Independent Research

This report aims to provide an overview of key issues and relevant data regarding gender distribution in Danish research.

Read more about the project at: (in Danish only)

Gender differences in management – A myth?

According to a new doctoral project, there is no difference in the leadership styles of men and women. In groups comprised of both genders, an androgynous leadership style was found to be the best for creating a climate for innovation.

Read more about the project at:

The Role of Men in Gender Equality

"The Role of men in gender equality" is the title of a new EU-wide study which aims to identify the different roles of men in the gender equality process in the EU. The study highlights which framework conditions tend to favour men’s political commitment to gender equality and behaviour.

Read more about the project at:


At the 2nd Gender Summit in Brussels (30.11.12) the COST intergovernmental framework announced the launch of the targeted network genderSTE - Gender, Science, Technology and Environment. 

The main purpose of genderSTE is to promote a better integration of gender dimensions in science and technology at three main levels:

Promoting women’s careers in science and technology through structural changes of institutions (as recommended by the European Commission) by expanding existing research and practice;

Promoting a better integration of gender in the content of science, research and technology, by expanding on existing research, i.e. the EU-US Gendered Innovations project;

Identifying gender dimensions relevant to environment-related Horizon2020 Grand Challenges and to the JPI Urban Europe.

Read more about genderSTE at:

The LERU Paper

Recently, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) published a very interesting report titled ‘Women, Research and Universities: Excellence without gender bias”.

Read more about the LERU Paper at: