
PhD defence: Simon Fuglsang

"There are several disciplinary traditions relevant to the study of public attitudes to science: including sociology, political science, social psychology and Science and Technology Studies (STS). How does the candidate's research relate to these fields, and in which one(s) would he primarily locate his dissertation?" is the topic for Simon Fuglsang’s PhD defence.

Info about event


Friday 28 June 2024,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Building 1331, room 101: A1

Simon Fuglsang
Simon Fuglsang Photo: AU Photographer

Simon Fuglsang defends his PhD thesis entitled “To Love Life is to Love Science”.

The event is open to everyone!
After the defence, the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy at the Department of Political Science hosts a reception.

Time and venue:
28.06.2024 2:15-4 pm
Building 1331, room 101: A1

Assessment committee:

  • Professor Alan Irwin, Aarhus University (chair)
  • Associate Professor Sally Stares, London School of Economics
  • Professor Peter Achterberg, Tilburg University