Travel grant from the Queen sends Ida Vidar Kristensen to Paris

Master’s degree student in political science Ida Vidar Kristensen from Aarhus BSS receives HRM Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant of DKK 25,000.

Ida Vidar Kristensen Photo: Lars Kruse, AU
Ida Vidar Kristensen Photo: Lars Kruse, AU

Each year, HRM Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant is granted five talented students at Aarhus University. This always includes a student of political science – the subject that Her Majesty studied during her time as a student at Aarhus University. This year, Master’s degree student in political science Ida Vidar Kristensen is the recipient.

Ida Vidar Kristensen is interested in a classic theme within political science: political opinion formation. She wrote her Bachelor’s project about how voters assess candidates who highlight their provincial backgrounds.

Ida Vidar Kristensen has combined her strong academic competencies with a relevant student job at VIVE – Danish Center for Social Science Research. This has given her hands-on experience with research and conducting studies, which has inspired her to pursue a career within research.

The HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will make it possible for Ida Vidar Kristensen to study at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, known as ‘Sciences Po’.

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