Five IRFD grants for the Department of Political Science

Five researchers from the department receive a total of DKK 43 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

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Photo: Colourbox


Knud Erik Jørgensen receives DKK 6,022,308 for the project Cultivating the Union's Foreign Relations: The EEAS and International Diplomacy.


Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen receives DKK 5,750,681 for the project Cost-Effectiveness and Non-Discrimination in Health Care: Must We Choose? 


Per Mouritsen receives DKK 6,113,605 for the project Outside Citizenship: The Making and Integration of Denizens.


Svend-Erik Vrede Skaaning receives DKK 2,878,801 for the project Disentangling Scandinavian Democratic Exceptionalism.


Morten Valbjørn receives DKK 5,383,987 for the project Bringing in the Other Islamists – comparing Arab Shia and Sunni Islamism(s) in a sectarianized Middle East.


In addition, four researchers from other departments at Aarhus BSS are on the IRFD recipient list. Aarhus BSS has been awarded a total of DKK 43 million.


- Further information on all grants for Aarhus BSS

- See press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (only available in Danish).

- Further information on each research project

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