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Against all odds, environmentalist Greta Thunberg has succeeded in becoming a political icon. Professor of political science Thomas Olesen from Aarhus…
Postdoc at CFA Ea Høg Utoft wins Emerging Gender Researcher Award.
Assistant professor of political science Martin Bisgaard has received a grant of DKK 4.9 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) for…
Aarhus University has been named the world’s best research institution within public administration.
PhD student in political science Anne-Sofie Greisen Højlund from Aarhus BSS receives an EliteForsk travel grant and goes on a research stay in Oslo.…
Professor of political science Jørgen Møller has received DKK 2.9 million from The Independent Research Fund Denmark for his project about the role of…
How big a role do political parties actually play in shaping public opinion? Using unique data, researchers from the Department of Political Science…
New research provides public health authorities across the globe with a validated visual aid for health communication. The aid is a hope-inducing…
New COVID-19 Research: How to make people follow restrictions without appealing to fear.
New research from Frederik Jørgensen, Alexander Bor and Michael Bang Petersen investigates the corona crisis in eight different countries in March…
Page 7 of 13.
See all new books authored by the researchers of the Department of Political Science.