Introduction to International Relations

Oxford University Press udgiver ottende udgave af 'Introduction to International Relations'.

Introduction to International Relations. Foto: Oxford University Press
Introduction to International Relations. Foto: Oxford University Press

Forlaget skriver:

  • "A truly accessible introduction to international relations, which demystifies the key theories, debates, and issues. 
  • Includes up-to-date examples to help students link theory to real-world developments.

Blandt de nye tiltag i denne udgave er:

  • A new final chapter, 'The Big Question: World Order or World Chaos?', provides a current analysis of international turbulence, encouraging students to connect theory to their own lived experiences
  • Chapter 11 has been thoroughly revised with a detailed discussion of climate change and the challenges faced in seeking international cooperation to mitigate its effects. It also introduces 'Green Theory' approaches
  • Increased coverage of non-Western traditions and Feminist theories throughout the book further broaden students' understanding of these key subjects
  • Expanded discussion of the rise of China and other emerging powers further illuminates how theory applies to the present day"

Mere information: 

Læs et blogpost om den nye bog.

Forlag: Oxford University Press


Jørgen Møller, Professor, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus BSS

Georg Sørensen, Professor Emeritus, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus BSS

Robert Jackson, Professor Emeritus, Boston University



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