News item

The Gender Equality Index

The European Institute for Gender Equality undertook the task of constructing a composite indicator that reflects the multifaceted reality of gender equality – the work has resulted in the Gender Equality Index.

The Gender Equality Index is a unique measurement tool that synthesises the complexity of gender equality as a multi-dimensional concept into a user-friendly and easily interpretable measure.
It is formed by combining gender indicators, according to a conceptual framework, into a single summary measure. It consists of six core domains (work, money, knowledge, time, power and health) and two satellite domains (intersecting inequalities and violence).

The Gender Equality Index measures how far (or close) the EU-27 and its Member States were from achieving complete gender equality in 2010. It provides results at both Member States and EU-27 level. The Gender Equality Index also provides results for each domain and sub-domain.
It measures gender gaps that are adjusted to levels of achievement, ensuring that gender gaps cannot be regarded positively where they point to an adverse situation for both women and men. The Gender Equality Index assigns scores for Member States, between 1, total inequality and 100, full equality.


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