
Five new H2020 projects to CFA

- Samfund og politik

CFA receives close to DKK 20 million for five new Horizon 2020 projects. Four projects revolve around issues of responsibility and integrity in…

50.000 DKK travel scholarship for Ea Høg Utoft

- Navne

Ea Høg Utoft is awarded 50.000 DKK travel scholarship by the Danish Fulbright Commission.

Grant for project on gender and networks in academic advancements

- Navne

Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Ea Høg Utoft, Maria Lehmann Nielsen, Mathilde Cecchini and Thomas Ryan receive DKK 190.000 from AU for their project "Gender…

Earlier news


6 million for CFA-professor

Jesper Wiborg Schneider has received a DKK 5.98 million grant from The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation for his project about research integrity.

New senior researcher: Maria-Theresa Norn

Maria-Theresa Norn works part-time at CFA. When she's not here, she works as Head of Analysis in DEA, a non-profit think tank on education, science and innovation policy.

Ny gæste-ph.d.: Carita Eklund

Carita Eklund er ph.d.-studerende i økonomi fra Finland. Hun arbejder på Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) i seks måneder. (30.09.2016)

Ny postdoc: Fereshteh Didegah

Fereshteh Didegah er ny postdoc ved Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse. (06.09.2016)

Ny postdoc: Qi Wang

Qi Wang er ny postdoc ved Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse. (06.09.2016)

CFA’s analyse af to svenske universitets- og högskolereformer er afsluttet

Sveriges Riksdag vedtog i 2010 to reformer af det svenske system for videregående uddannelse, en autonomireform og en kvalitetsreform. På opdrag af Sveriges Riksdags Utbildningsutskott har Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) i perioden 2013-2016 gennemført et opfølgningsprojekt, der har haft til formål at undersøge implementering og effekter af de to svenske universitets- og högskolereformer. Med Riksdagens Utbildningsutskotts offentliggørelse den 15. juni 2016 af opfølgningsprojektets femte delrapport: Delredovisning 5: Intervjuundersökning med kvalitetsansvariga och den fallstudiebaserade undersökningens andra fas, er projektet afsluttet. Læs Utbildningsutskottets meddelelse i forbindelse med offentliggørelsen af den femte og sidste delrapport og læs mere om opfølgningsprojektet og download projektets øvrige publikationer, en hovedrapport og fire delrapporter, på Riksdagens hjemmeside.

CFA indgår i stort norsk forskningscenter

Et stort norsk forskningscenter med deltagelse fra Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) har fået 12 millioner norske kroner årligt til at undersøge effekter af forskning, og hvordan samfundet kan få mere igen af investeringerne i forskning. (18.05.2016)

5 millioner i Horizon 2020-midler til CFA

Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) ved Institut for Statskundskab har fået 5 millioner kroner fordelt på tre projekter om henholdsvis etik og integritet i forskning, ansvarlighed i biovidenskabelig forskning samt evaluering af ligestillingsinitiativer i forskning og innovation. (05.04.2016)

Ny ph.d.-studerende: Andreas Kjær

Andreas Kjær er ny ph.d.-studerende ved Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse pr. 1. april 2016.

19 institutter på AU får lavet bibliometriske analyser af CFA

19 institutter på Aarhus Universitet har indgået aftale med Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) om at lave en række bibliometriske analyser over de kommende tre år. Analyserne kan for eksempel fokusere på citationsmønstre, internationalisering, interdisciplinaritet og effekterne af samarbejde mellem forskningsgrupper inden for og på tværs af institutter og fagområder i det omfang, databaserne dækker.

CFA afslutter CoRe projektet

Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) har netop afsluttet projektet Contextualising and Measuring Research Performance (CoRe). Projektets formål har været at udvikle og anvende forskellige indikatorer for forskningsperformance og at undersøge og forklare variationer i forskningsperformance på forskellige aggregeringsniveauer. (31.03.2016)

Nye professorer på CFA

Carter Bloch, forskningsleder på Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA), og Jesper Wiborg Schneider, seniorforsker på CFA, er begge blevet udnævnt til professorer pr. 1. marts 2016.


STAGES Guidelines

STAGES Guidelines er et af resultaterne af fire års indsats og erfaringer fra det europæiske FP7 finansierede projekt STAGES - Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science. Det overordnede formål med STAGES var at lancere strategier for strukturændringer i forskningsorganisationer rettet mod de mange og indbyrdes forbundne problemer med ulighed mellem kønnene inden for videnskab. STAGES Guidelines indeholder kontekstuelle oplysninger om de handlingsplaner, der gennemføres i fem europæiske forskningsorganisationer, og tilbyder et sæt af erfaringsbaserede anbefalinger inden for seks brede indsatsområder, eksemplificeret ved et udvalg af relevante praksisser. Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse, Institut for Statskundskab ved Aarhus Universitet har været den danske partner i projektet. Lær mere om STAGES projektet og download STAGES Guidelines. (15.12.15)


Effects of the Danish participation in EU’s framework programmes for research

On 9 September 2015, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation has published a report that describes the effects of the Danish participation in EU’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for research (FP6 and FP7). The report consists of different analyses, i.a. bibliometric analyses of the impact of Danish scientific publications linked to projects funded by FP6 and FP7. The bibliometric analyses have been conducted by the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. Read more and download the report and the annex containing the bibliometric analyses on the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.


Mapping Danish research on Research and innovation

On 18 February 2015, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) has published a new report that maps Danish research on “Research and innovation”. The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy has conducted the mapping commissioned by DASTI. Read more and download the report ”Mapping Danish Research on Research and Innovation” on the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

What’s your problem, man!

Several department heads at AU deny that gender plays a role when they assess applicants for associate professor and professor positions. But according to PhD Mathias Wullum Nielsen from the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, some structural mechanisms exist which may contribute to forcing women out of the university. (02.02.15)

Know your manager

How do today's department heads actually do their jobs in an institution with traditional academic values? They simply make a choice between two strategies. Each individual chooses the strategy that makes most sense to them in their role as manager, says postdoc at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Lise Degn, who has carried out a scientific study of management in academia in Denmark following the major university reforms in the 2000s. (03.02.15)

The shielder, the co-ordinator and the agenda setter

The shielder, the co-ordinator and the agenda setter are stereotypes. And as postdoc at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Lise Degn emphasises, that’s obviously not the case with real people. Lise Degn is the person behind a scientific study of managers at Danish universities. But perhaps you can still recognise your own department head in one of the three stereotypes - or maybe recognise yourself, if you happen to be in charge of a department. (03.02.15)


Evaluation of the Danish Council for Independent Research

The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation has published a new evaluation of the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) on 21 October 2014. The evaluation is, i.a., based on bibliometric analyses of the scholarly and scientific output from grants funded by DFF from 2005 to 2008. The bibliometric analyses have been completed by the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. Read the press release published by the Agency and download the evaluation report and the report on the bibliometric analyses from the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

University management in the process of change

Universities have come to play an increasingly important role for the Danish welfare system and for Denmark’s competitiveness in the global knowledge-based economy. Major reforms and reorganisations have been means towards strengthening the institutions under these new competitive conditions – but what are the consequences? (26.08.14)

Evaluation of the Norwegian Publication Indicator

During the autumn 2013 the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy (CFA) has conducted an evaluation of the Norwegian Publication Indicator commissioned by the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (Universitets- og høgskolerådet, UHR). The main purpose of the evaluation was to examine whether the objective of the Publication Indicator, which was introduced at the Norwegian universities and university colleges in 2006, has been met: has the Indicator stimulated more research, and research of higher quality? The evaluation report was presented by CFA at a launch seminar in Oslo, Norway on 16 January 2014. Read the English summary of the evaluation report and find more information about the evaluation (in Norwegian and Danish), including the full evaluation report (in Danish), on UHR's website.


Evaluation of the Danish National Research Foundation published

The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation has published a new evaluation of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) on 16 December 2013. The evaluation is, i.a., based on a bibliometric analysis of publications from Centres of Excellence funded by the DNRF. The bibliometric analysis has been performed by Jesper W. Schneider, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, and Rodrigo Costas, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University. Read the press release (in Danish) published by the Agency and download the evaluation and the bibliometric analysis from the Agency’s website. (16.12.13)

Lise Degn receives award for best paper

At The European Higher Education Society’s annual conference in August, PhD student Lise Degn from the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy received the "EAIR Outstanding Paper Award 2013". The award is given to the young researcher below the age of 35, who has submitted the best research paper. Lise Degn received the award for the second year in a row. (13.09.13)

New website on gender equality in research

GER - Gender Equality in Research is a new website on gender equality and women in science. The website is developed by the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy as a part of the European research project STAGES. (21.02.13)


Lise Degn from CFA awarded the "EAIR Outstanding Paper Award 2012"

Lise Degn, a PhD student at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, has been awarded the "EAIR Outstanding Paper Award 2012" for the best paper authored by a "younger researcher", which is a researcher who is under 35 years old. She receives the price from EAIR - The European Higher Education Society at its annual conference. (21.09.12)

New book: Ulrich Beck. An Introduction to the Theory of Second Modernity and the Risk Society

Senior Researcher Mads P. Sørensen from the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy has together with Allan Christiansen written the book Ulrich Beck. An Introduction to the Theory of Second Modernity and the Risk Society, which has just been published by Routledge. In the book, the two authors provide a thorough introduction to the German sociologist Ulrich Beck's theory universe, focusing on his theories of the risk society and second modernity. Read more here: (28.08.12)

Research project focuses attention on equality

A new research project at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy has received a grant of EUR 5 million. The project is to investigate how selected European knowledge institutions can arrange their organisations in order to promote the careers of female researchers and executives. (13.04.12)

New Master's degree programme to strengthen Danish research institutions

The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy at the Department of Political Science and Government has created the first Master's degree programme aimed directly at staff members at research and higher education institutions. The participants will have a share in the latest knowledge in the area and learn to manage development projects. (10.02.12)


International Conference: Gendering Science and Technology - Experimental Horizons of Structural Change

The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy invites all interested to participate in the International Conference, Gendering Science and Technology - Experimental Horizons of Structural Change, organised in Brussels, November 7, 2011 in the frame of the FP7 project "WHIST - Women's careers hitting the target: gender management in scientific and technological research". (27.10.11)

Ten engineering students win 1000 DKK each

Ten winners were randomly selected among the many engineering students who answered the survey that was sent in May to all engineering students in Denmark in the year group from 2010. The survey is conducted by Sanne Haase, PhD Student at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. (02.08.11)

Report on the public debate on research policy in the Nordic countries

The results of a comparative study of the public debate on research policy in the five Nordic countries in the period 1998-2007 has just been published in a new report from NIFU (The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education). From Denmark Karen Siune, The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, has participated in the study. (29.03.11)

Social science research in Nature Biotechnology

New research on patterns and trends in the European public’s perceptions of controversial technologies within the areas of regenerative medicine, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, industrial applications of biotechnology etc. has recently been published in the world’s leading journal in the field of biotechnology. The research is based on the latest Eurobarometer survey of representative samples in 32 European countries. Head of Research at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, CFA, Niels Mejlgaard has been involved in the development and analyses of the survey, and is co-authoring the paper in Nature Biotechnology. The research is part of an EU-funded, collaborative project on “Sensitive Technologies and European Public Ethics”, coordinated by Pro-Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE, George Gaskell. See the paper here.

Sanne Haase from CFA receives H-STAR scholarship

Sanne Haase, PhD student at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy (CFA), has by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation been granted an H-STAR visiting scholarship of 2 months in the autumn of 2011 at one of the world’s highest ranked universities, Stanford University in California.

Visiting researcher from Vaal University of Technology at CFA

Dr. Malefane Johannes Lebusa from Vaal University of Technology in South Africa is visiting CFA on a Coimbra Group Scholarship for 3 months from 1 February 2011. At Vaal University of Technology Dr. Lebusa is Coordinator for the University’s Entrepreneurship programme and i.a. he is working with the implementation of entrepreneurship in all of the University’s fields of science.


The winner of DKK 10 000 is found

Rikke Hansen, an engineering student at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), was lucky to win the random draw for DKK 10 000 among all responses to the engineering student survey. (04.11.10)

New EAN number

The Centre's EAN number is now: 5798000419629

"Research" is the theme of four broadcasts on DR’s P1

"Research" is the overarching theme of the radio programme Apropos on DR's P1 in the week of 26 April 2010. In four broadcasts the theme is highlighted from different angles: Research and history; Research and freedom; Research and industry; Research and dissemination. Among the participants in the broadcasts are Centre Director Ebbe K. Graversen and Head of Research Karen Siune from the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy.

CESAU - new research centre to put sociology in focus

Centre for Sociological Studies at Aarhus University (CESAU) is established to strengthen and further develop teaching and research in the field of sociology at Aarhus University. The opening of the centre will be celebrated with an opening event on Monday 19 April 2010. All interested are welcome to attend. See the press release (in Danish) from CESAU here.

Nordic R&D statistics 2008

NIFU STEP presents an overview of the R&D expenditure in the Nordic countries. (25.03.10)

Focus on Higher Education in Europe 2010: The impact of the Bologna Process

New report from the Eurydice Network presenting an overview of the progress on higher education reform made in the 46 European countries in the Bologna process. (08.03.10)

Mapping Danish research on Research and innovation

On 18 February 2015, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) has published a new report that maps Danish research on “Research and innovation”. The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy has conducted the mapping commissioned by DASTI. Read more and download the report ”Mapping Danish Research on Research and Innovation” on the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.