Indicators for an innovative economy (INNOCATE)

Innocate is to contribute to policy learning as regards the use of innovation policy indicators.

Present EU policies do, for very sound reasons, underline the importance of innovation as a key determinant of economic growth. However, European policy makers have had a tendency to focus on research and development and presence of R&D intensive industries as the main source of innovation - hence the Lisbon agenda in general and the Barcelona goals more specifically of R&D investments reaching 3 percent of GDP by 2010. Underlying the Lisbon agenda’s prioritization of innovation and research is a set of key structural indicators to provide diagnostic and benchmarking measures of member state performance in these areas.

More detailed project description here



National report for NIND deliverable D4 - INNOCATE
Graversen, Ebbe Krogh

National report for NIND deliverable D8 - INNOCATE
Graversen, Ebbe Krogh and Karen Siune

Statistical Indicators for R&D and Innovation - A guide for Interpretation and Valuation
Synthesis Report Deliverable D10 - INNOCATE
Graversen, Ebbe Krogh and Karen Siune

Projekt leaders
Director Karen Siune
Research director Ebbe K. Graversen