The Center is organised in concentric circles.
The core consists of the director, a vice-director, a head of education, and a Novo Nordic Foundation professor who is responsible for research activities in the health area. These four researchers have overall responsibility for all Center activities.
The core also consists of researchers employed at Aarhus University who are affiliated on a voluntary basis and due to their interest in research in public leadership, and guest researchers on research stays in Aarhus.
Finally, the core comprises other partners who participate in the Center’s activities on an ongoing basis, i.e., Danish researchers from other universities and knowledge institutions than Aarhus University and international researchers.
In addition to the organisation in concentric circles, the Center has a permanent Governance Committee and a reference group.
The Governance Committee convenes once a year and has an advisory function in relation to the Center’s tasks. The Committee consists of HR King Frederik, the Dean of Aarhus BSS, the Head of the Department of Political Science, the Chairperson of the Board of Købmand Herman Sallings Fond, and two international top researchers.
The reference group consists of approx. 30 selected executives who are tasked with commenting on the Center’s research and anchoring it in practice. The reference group meets twice a year with the Center’s inner circle to discuss research results and upcoming research projects. The members of the reference group represent broad knowledge of and practical anchoring in especially the public sector, including the state, regional and municipal levels, as well as expertise within the private sector.