Ny bog: "US Foreign Policy Towards Russia in the Post-Cold War Era"

Tankegange fra Den Kolde Krig har fortsat med at påvirke amerikansk udenrigspolitik til skade for forholdet mellem Rusland og USA, skriver David Parker i sin nye bog. Han viser hvordan spændinger og mistillid er taget til under Trump og ser på fremtiden for forholdet mellem USA og Rusland.

US Foreign Policy Towards Russia in the Post-Cold War Era
US Foreign Policy Towards Russia in the Post-Cold War Era Foto: Routledge

Forlagets beskrivelse:

This book discusses how the ideas, expectations and mind-sets that formed within different US foreign policy making institutions during the Cold War have continued to influence US foreign policy making vis-à-vis Russia in the post-Cold War era, with detrimental consequences for US–Russia relations. It analyses what these ideas, expectations and mind-sets are, explores how they have influenced US foreign policy towards Russia as ideational legacies, including the ideas that Russia is untrustworthy, has to be contained and that in some aspects the relationship is necessarily adversarial, and outlines the consequences for US–Russian relations. It considers these ideational legacies in depth in relation to NATO enlargement, democracy promotion, and arms control and sets the subject in its wider context where other factors, such as increasingly assertive Russian foreign policy, impact on the relationship. It concludes by demonstrating how tension and mistrust have continued to grow during the Trump administration and considers the future for US–Russian relations.


David Parker er Marie-Curie Research Fellow på Institut for Statskundskab ved Aarhus BSS, Aarhus Universitet. Desuden er han Visiting Research Fellow ved Department of War Studies, King’s College London.


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