Ny bog: "The Responsible University. Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond"

Den nye bog analyserer idéen om det ansvarlige universitet og bruger de nordiske universiteter som case studier.

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"The Responsible University" af Mads Sørensen, Lars Geschwind, Jouni Kekäle, and Rómulo Pinheiro. Foto: Palgrave.

Forlaget skriver:

This book explores how the notion of the responsible university manifests itself at various levels within Nordic higher education. As the impetus of the knowledge society has catapulted the higher education sector to the forefront of policy agendas, universities and other types of higher education institutions face increasing scrutiny, assessment and accountability. This book examines this phenomenon using the Nordic countries as cases in point, given the strong public commitment towards widening participation and public research investments. The editors and contributors analyse the history and current transformations of the idea of the responsible university, investigate new innovations in the educational landscape and look into how universities have begun to organise themselves to become more responsible. Drawing together scholars from the humanities and the social sciences, this interdisciplinary collection will be of interest and value to students and scholars of the role and nature of the modern university, in addition to practitioners and policy makers tasked with finding solutions to address the competing and often contradictory demands posed by a responsibility agenda.

Bogen er udgivet som "Open Access" på Palgrave Macmillan.

Om forfatterne:

Mads P. Sørensen er seniorforsker ved Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet. 

Lars Geschwind er professor ved KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sverige.

Jouni Kekäle er professor ved UEF University of Eastern Finland.

Rómulo Pinheiro er professor ved University of Agder, Norway.

Yderligere information:

Palgrave MacMillan

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