Articles, Book Chapters and Reports

Published or forthcoming:

Bendtsen, A. K., Fuglsang, S., Haase, S. S., Bloch, C. W., & Glavind, J. G. (2020). Perspektiver på uddannelseskvalitet: En delphi undersøgelse blandt studerende, medarbejdere, ledelse og eksterne interessenter på danske videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner.

Bloch, C., Degn, L., Nygaard, S. and Haase, S. (2021) Does quality work work? A systematic review of academic literature on quality initiatives in higher education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46:5, 701-718, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2020.1813250

Degn, L., Selberg, H. & Marcussen, A. R. (forthcoming 2022). Learning without a teacher – perceptions of peer-to-peer learning activities in simulation training. In Akselbo, I. & Aune, I (eds). How can we use simulation to improve competencies in nursing?, Springer.

Fuglsang, S., Bloch, C. and Selberg, H. (2021) Simulation training and professional self-confidence: a large-scale study of 3rd year nursing students. Forthcoming, Nurse Education Today. (Preprint & supplementary material)

Johansen, M.B. (2021) ”Vi kan ikke få øje på, hvad var meningen?” Om professionshøjskole-underviseres oplevelse af mening og meningstab. Dansk pædagogisk Tidsskrift, nr. 3. 

Løje, H., Buch, A. & Ramsay, L.: Knowledge Production in Engineering Education. ETALEE 2021 (Exploring Teaching for Active Learning in Engineering Education, University College Absalon, Kalundborg, 25.-26. november 2021: ) 

Pechmann, P. & Haase, S. (2021). How policy makers employ the term quality in higher education policymaking, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Planned or under review:

Bloch, C. W., Fuglsang, S., Glavind, J. G. & Bendtsen, A. K.,  (2021). Quality work in higher education: A multi-stakeholder study. Under review in Quality in Higher Education.

Buch, A., Ramsay, L. & Løje, H.: Discursive Enactments of Knowledge Production in Engineering Education. Under review in Engineering Studies.

Degn, L., Madsen, M., & Brøgger, K. (2021). Translating Quality Criteria in University Accreditation. Under review in Studies in Higher Education.

Degn, L., Elken, M., Frølich, N. & Korseberg, L. (in preparation). The ’what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of quality in higher education reform. To be submitted to Studies in Higher Education.

Glavind, J.G., Pechmann, P.; Degn, L. & Fuglsang, S. (2021). Higher education quality and the matter of management: A Delphi study.

Johansen, M.B. (2021)  Pygmalion på videregående uddannelser. Underviseres diskursiveringer af studerende på universiteter og professionshøjskoler. Indsendes til Uniped eller Nordic Studies in Education, 2022. 

Soendergaard, M. K., Degn, L., & Lassesen, B. (2021). Advancing quality: Student evaluation as an occasion for dialogue or reflection on teaching. Paper presented at European Higher Education Society Forum 2021. To be submitted to Tertiary Education and Management.