Towards a shared understanding and approach to gender equality
A study on the state of gender equality at Circle U.-universities with practical guidance for working with gender equality at institutional and alliance level
The new study ‘Integrating gender balance in Circle U. activities’, conducted by researchers from CFA, Department of Political Science at Aarhus University as part of the Empowering Research and Innovation Actions in Circle U. (ERIA), delves into Circle U. universities’ work with gender equality, identifying gender barriers and strengthening efforts towards achieving gender balance.
Evanthia K. Schmidt, leading the research alongside her CFA colleagues Anna Vigsø Pedersen and Louise Isgaard Saugstrup, highlighted key findings in a news post on the Circle U. website (read the news post here).
In brief, Evanthia K. Schmidt points out that the study not only guides future general gender equality efforts within the Circle U. alliance but also lays the foundation for the development of guidelines for a Circle U. gender equality plan. The study provides a roadmap for working with gender equality plans and a toolbox containing tangible strategies and actions. Evanthia K. Schmidt further underlines that the study shows that while gender equality is a concern at all member universities, working with gender equality is subject to different national and institutional barriers.
Based on the findings of the study, the authors present a number of recommendations for how to foster synergies and strengthen efforts towards achieving gender equality within the Circle U. alliance:
- Enhance commitment and prioritise gender equality across all member universities
- Foster closer collaboration on gender equality among member universities
- Cultivate a shared understanding of gender equality
- Establish a common framework for gender equality work
- Implement systematic monitoring, evaluation, and follow-up of gender equality action plans
- Promote the sharing of results, experiences, and mutual learning among member universities
- Build capacities and expertise in gender equality
Read the study here.