MASIS - Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Science in Society in Europe

MASIS ("Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Science in Society in Europe") aims to contribute to the guiding principle of the European Commission’s Science in Society programme of developing structural links and interaction between scientists, policy-makers, and society at large. It will be instrumental in stimulating further cooperation in Europe and reducing fragmentation through the identification of common resources, common trends, common interests, and common challenges related to the interaction of science and society in Europe. MASIS was initiated in January 2010 and the project duration is two years.

The MASIS project involves 38 countries; 27 EU member states and 11 countries associated to FP7. CFA is coordinating the MASIS project in collaboration with COWI, the overall contractor of the project. The main tasks in MASIS include:

  • The establishment, coordination and quality control of a network of national high level experts and practitioners (correspondents) to provide a description, analysis and annotated commentary on the national landscapes of science in society.
  • Regular data collection and reporting over a 21 months period (month 3 to 24) in 38 countries - following a common template targeting main issues related to science in society.
  • Analysis and reporting of results, including the production and updating of national reports every six months (by the network of national correspondents), as well as monthly synthetic reports, bi-annual emerging issues statements, and a final synthesis report.
  • The development and launch of a user friendly, interactive website for mapping and updating of high quality, comprehensive and up to date information on various science in society policies, activities, and research priorities.

Project report

Project leader, CFA: Niels Mejlgaard

Project participants, CFA: Carter Bloch, Tine Ravn, Lise Degn