The aim of the study, financed through FP7, is to assess the nature and intensity of co-ordination and co-operation with and between European Intergovernmental Research Organisations (IROs) and other Research Producing Organisations (RPOs), as well as detecting more appropriate means to foster this cooperation in the context of the European research Area (ERA). In particular, the project will try to detect the main factors triggering, fostering, or hampering fruitful co-operation and co-ordination with / between IROs and RPOs in the EU. The study involves three types of tasks:
Based on the appreciation of the main challenges and hampering factors to cross-border co-operation, the study will contribute to the formulation of new means (or the improvement of existing) in order to strengthen future coordination and cooperation within the ERA.
Project participants: Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt and Karen Siune