Mohamed Abdulkadir


Postdoc, PhD

Primær tilknytning

Mohamed Abdulkadir





I am a statistical geneticists with a background in molecular biology. I am interested in understanding the genetic and epidemiological causes of psychiatrich disorders. My focus is mainly on eating disorders.


My research focuses on the genetic and environmental influences on psychiatric disorders, with a particular emphasis on eating disorders. My work explores how genetic risk factors contribute to the onset and progression of these conditions, utilizing polygenic risk score analyses to assess their impact on childhood growth, eating behaviors, and diagnostic transitions. Additionally, I investigates the interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental exposures in shaping psychiatric traits. By leveraging large-scale genomic datasets, including Danish health registers and international cohorts, my research aims to elucidate the biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, ultimately contributing to improved risk assessment, prevention strategies, and potential therapeutic interventions.


I have established a strong network of international collaborations in the field of psychiatric genetics, working alongside leading researchers and institutions worldwide. My collaborative efforts span multiple research groups, including partnerships with the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, where I am a member of the Eating Disorders Working Group and the Cross-Population Special Interest Group.


My job responsibilities include conducting genetic data analyses to uncover the genetic and environmental determinants of psychiatric disorders. This involves applying advanced statistical methodologies, including genome-wide association anayses, polygenic score analyses, surival analyses, and latent class analysis to large-scale datasets. My responsibilties also include dissemination of findings from my research through academic publications and presenting my findings at international conferences.

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