Morten Valbjørn: Publications


  • Gunning, Jeroen &  Morten Valbjørn (forthcoming). "Grasping Arab Islamist Responses to the War on Gaza". Mediterranean Politics 
  • Valbjørn & Gunning (forthcoming). “The more, the merrier”: Three ways of case universe extension – reflections on bringing Shia into Islamism Studies”, International Studies Review
  • Albloshi, Hamad H., Courtney Freer &  Morten Valbjørn (forthcoming). "Beyond the usual suspects - Bringing in Kuwait’s Shiʿi Islamists". Middle Eastern Studies,
  • Hinnebusch & Valbjørn (forthcoming) eds. Sectarianism and Civil War in Syria, London: Routledge.



Edited volumes

  • Lynch, Marc, Jeroen Gunning and Morten Valbjørn (2024) (eds). Special issue on Changing Warscapes, Changing Islamists - Religion, Organization, Strategic Context and New Approaches to Jihadist Insurgencies. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, first-view







Edited volumes





  • Valbjørn, Morten (2019). "Autokratisk identitetspolitik i et 'sekteriseret' nyt Mellemøsten". Samfundsfagsnyt, no. 213, pp. 22-26.

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2019). "Shiaha/ Sunnaha Seiji ni okeru (Shuha-kan/ shuha-nai) Daiarogu: shuhashugika shita aratana chuto de kotenteki arabu reiisen wo rekishiteki ruisui ni mochiirukoto (no genkai) ni tsuite", pp. 63-82 in Keiko Sakai (ed.) Gendai Chuto no Shuha Mondai: seiji tairitsu no "shuha-ka" to "shin-reisen" (Sectarian Issues in the Contemporary Middle East: "Sectarianisation" of Political conflicts and the "New Cold War". Tokyo: Koyo Shobou.

Edited volumes



  • Phillips, Christopher & Morten Valbjørn (2018). "‘What is in a Name?’: The Role of (Different) Identities in the Multiple Proxy Wars in Syria". Small Wars & Insurgencies, vol. 29, no. 3.

  • Valbjørn, Morten & Raymond Hinnebusch (2018). "Playing ‘the sectarian card’ in a sectarianized new Middle East". Babylon - Nordisk Tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 42-55.

  • Hazbun, Waleed & Morten Valbjørn (2018). "The Making of IR in the Middle East: Critical Perspectives on Scholarship and Teaching in the Region". APSA-MENA Newsletter, no. 5 (Fall), pp. 5-9.

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2018). "Studying sectarianism while beating dead horses and searching for third ways ". LSE Middle East Centre - Blog. September 17.

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2018). "Jordanernes protester er udsigtsløse, selvom landet er hårdt presset fra flere sider". Ræson. June 12.

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2018). "Unpacking a puzzling case: on how the Yemeni conflict became sectarianised". Orient, vol. 59, no. 2.



  •  Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Bringing the ‘Other Islamists’ back in: Sunni and Shia Islamism(s) in a sectarianized new Middle East". POMEPS Studies, no. 28 (New Analysis of Shia Politics).

  • Valbjørn, Morten  &  Waleed Hazbun (2017). "Scholarly Identities and The Making of Middle East IR". APSA-MENA Newsletter, no. 3 (Fall).

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Jordan: Variationer over velkendte temaer". Udenrigs, no. 2

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Dialoguing about Dialogues: On the Purpose, Procedure and Product of Dialogues in Inter-national Relations Theory". International Studies Review,, vol 19, no 2. 
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Strategies for Reviving the International Relations/Middle East Nexus after the Arab Uprisings". PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 50, no. 3.

  • Hellmann, Gunther & Morten Valbjørn (forthcoming). "Problematizing Global Challenges: Recalibrating the ‘inter’ in IR Theory". International Studies Review, vol 19, no 2.

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Twittersheiker og tvivlsomme motiver". Weekendavisen, no. 34 (25 August).

  •  Valbjørn, Morten (2017). "Like But Not Same As... - Arab Citizenship and the Jordanian Experience", pp. 175-202 in Roel Meijer & Nils A. Butenschon (eds.) The Crisis of Citizenship in the Arab World Leiden: Brill.



  • Valbjørn, Morten (2016). "Reflections on self-reflections – On framing the analytical implications of the Arab uprisings for the study of Arab politics", pp. 14-34 in Raymond Hinnebusch (ed.) After the Arab Uprisings - Between democratization, counter-revolution and state failure. London: Routledge. (re-print of Democratization special issue)
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2016). "North Africa and the Middle East", pp. 249-270 in Tanja A. Börzel & Thomas Risse (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.



  • Valbjørn, Morten (2015). "International relations theory and the new Middle East: three levels of a debate". POMEPS Studies, no. 16: International Relations and a changing Middle East, pp. 74-79.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2015). "Det sekteriske Mellemøsten", pp. 215-231 in Morten Winther Bülow & Tonny Brems Knudsen (eds.) International PolitikNU - magtbalance, værdier og samarbejde. 2nd ed. Aarhus: Systime. [The Sectarian Middle East].

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2015). "Reflections on Self-Reflections - On framing the analytical implications of the Arab uprisings for the study of Arab politics". Democratization, vol. 22, 2, pp. 218-238.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2015). "Introduction: Studying International Relations of the Middle East", pp. xxi-xxix in Morten Valbjørn & Fred Lawson (eds.) International Relations of the Middle East (Vol. 1: Studying International Relations of the Middle East). London: Sage.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2015). "Introduction: The Role of Ideas and Identities in Middle East International Relations", pp. vii-xxiii in Morten Valbjørn & Fred Lawson (eds.) International Relations of the Middle East (Vol. 3: The Role of Ideas and Identities in Middle East International Relations). London: Sage.

Edited volumes



Edited volumes

  • Valbjørn, Morten & Frederic Volpi (eds) (2014). "Roundtable: Rethinking mediterranean politics". Mediterranean Politics, vol. 19, no. 1
  • Grøndahl Glavind, Johanne, Tonny Brems Knudsen & Morten Valbjørn (eds). (2014). "Temanummer: Den nye engelske skole: det international samfund I det 21. århundrede". Politica, vol. 46, no. 4. [Special-issue: The New English School: the international society in the 21st Century]



  • Valbjørn, Morten (2013). "De arabiske revolter - kontinuitet og forandring i samfund og videnskab", pp. 19-23 in Carsten Jensen (ed.) Politologisk Årbog 2012-13. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. <The Arab Revolts - continuity and change in society and the social sciences> (available online at forsker-zonen

    Valbjørn, Morten (2013). "The 2013 Parliamentary Elections in Jordan: Three Stories and Some General Lessons". Mediterranean Politics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 311-317

    Valbjørn, Morten (2013). "International Politik-teori før, under og efter Den Kulturelle Drejning". Samfundsfagsnyt, no. 190, pp. 41-48

    Valbjørn, Morten (2013). "Book Review: Everyday Arab Identity - The Daily Reproduction of the Arab World by Christopher Phillips". Middle East Journal, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 329-330.



Edited volumes

  • Valbjørn, Morten & Maja Touzari Janesdatter Greenwood (eds.)(2012).'De arabiske revolter – oprør i samfund og videnskab',Tidsskriftet POLITIK, 15, 1. <Journal special issue: The Arab Revolts - uprisings in society and the social sciences>



  • Valbjørn, Morten (2011). "Vil det nye Mellemøsten blive (post)-islamistisk?", Militært Tidsskrift, vol 140 no 3, pp. 211-222.
    <Will the new Middle East become (post)islamist?>

  • Valbjørn, Morten (2011). "Mellemøsten: Regionale konfliktmønstre", pp. 171-188 in Morten Winter Bülow & Tonny Brems Knudsen (eds.)International Politik NU. Aarhus: Systime.
    <the Middle East: patterns of regional conflicts>

    Valbjørn, Morten (2011). "Culture in the Middle East: the ‘Western Question’ and the Sovereignty of post-imperial states in the Middle East", pp. 222-241 in Sally Cummings & Raymond Hinnebusch (eds.) Sovereingty After Empire: Comparing the Middle East and Central Asia. Edinburgh/New York: Edinburgh/Columbia University Press.

    Valbjørn, Morten (2011). "Vil Kong Abdallah reformere Jordan?", pp. 110-115 in Lars Erslev Andersen, Helen Hajjaj & Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard (eds.) Arabisk forår: baggrund og konsekvenser. Copenhagen: Ræson.
    <Is King Abdallah going to reform Jordan?>

    Valbjørn, Morten (2011). Review Essay “Konkurrerende (amerikanske) visioner om Mellemøsten - Lockman, Zachary (2010). Contending Visions of the Middle East - the History and Politics of Orientalism, (2nd ed,), TEMP - Tidsskrift for Historie, vol 1, no 2, 181-187
    <"Contending (American) Visions of the Middle East - Review Essay of Lockman...>


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2011). Mellem kontinuitet og forandring: Jordan i det arabiske forår (Jordan Landeanalyse – 2011), Copenhagen: Danish Foreigh Ministry. <Country Analysis: Between Continuity and Change - Jordan in the Arab Spring>.


  • 'Limbo - Vil islamisterne overtage Mellemøsten?' Politiken, April 9, <News analysis on Islamists in elections>.
  • 'Tunesisk dominoeffekt er højst usikker', Politiken, January 21, <News analysis on regional implications of developments in Tunisia>.



Edited volumes



  • Valbjørn, Morten (2009). "Arab Nationalism(s) in Transformation - From Arab Interstate Societies to an Arab-Islamic World Society" pp. 140-169 in Barry Buzan & Ana Gonzalez-Pelaez (eds), International Society and the Middle East - English School Theory at the Regional Level, N.Y. Palgrave.
  • Valbjørn, Morten & André Bank (2009). "Ein Jahr nach dem Gazakrieg: ist der Nahe Osten noch arabisch?", GIGA Focus Nahost, no 12.
    <One year after the Gaza-War: Is the Middle East still Arab?>
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2009). "Forestillinger om Edward W. Said og Orientalismes (ikke helt så) store indflydelse på studiet af Mellemøsten",  Dansk Sociologi, 20, 3, pp. 11-32.
    <Conceptions of the (less) profound impact on the study of the Middle East from Edward W. Said and Orientalism>
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2009). "'There is one Islam, indeed, one for each of us': Religion og politik i det muslimske Mellemøsten", pp. 187-210 in Tonny Brems Knudsen, Jørgen Dige Petersen & Georg Sørensen (eds), Danmark og de fremmede - om mødet med den arabisk-muslimske verden, Aarhus: Academica.
    <'There is one Islam, indeed, one for each of us': Religion and Politics in the Muslim Middle East>
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2009). ""Majestæt, vi bliver simpelthen nødt til at klone Dem..." - læren fra Jordans 'succesfulde' demokratiseringsproces", pp. 286-292 in Jens Blom Hansen & Jørgen Elklit (eds), Perspektiver på Politik - bidrag til samfundsdebatten, Copenhagen: Academica.
    <'Your Majesty, we simply need to clone you - lessons from Jordans 'successfull' democratization-process>
  • Valbjørn, Morten & André Bank (2009). "Regierung, Opposition in Jordanien und der Gaza-Krieg", INAM (Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten), 59 (Jordanian Hochglanzreformen).
    <The Jordanian Regime, the Islamist Opposition and the Gaza-War>
  • Valbjørn, Morten, Jakob Feldt & Manni Crone (2009). "30 år med Orientalism", Dansk Sociologi, 20, 3, pp. 5-10.
    <30 Years with Orientalism>.

Edited volumes

  • Valbjørn, Morten & Jakob Feldt (2009). eds. Dansk Sociologi, (Edward Said og Orientalism 30 år efter).20, 3
    <Special Issue on Edward W. Said and Orientalism 30 years after>


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2009). Landeanalyse: Den seneste politiske udvikling i Jordan Maj 2009 , Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    <Country Analysis - The Recent Political Development in Jordan May 2009>.





  • Valbjørn, Morten (2008). "Film (s)om internationale relationer" pp.180-225 in Marie Østergaard & Sarah Normann Thordsen (eds), Æstetik og politisk magt - 8 analyser af aktuelle forhold mellem politik og æstetik, Aarhus NSU Press/Aarhus University Press;
    <Film on/as international relations>
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2008). "Before, During and After the Cultural Turn. A 'Baedeker' to IR’s Cultural Journey", International Review of Sociology. 18,1 55-82;
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2008). "Islamismens - mange - udviklingsveje", Den Ny Verden - Tidsskrift for internationale studier, 41, 1 (tema: religion og/eller politik), pp. 83-95;
    <The - many - trends within Islamism(s)>
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2008). "Kontinuiteten i forandringerne og forandringerne i kontinuiteten - et postdemokratisk perspektiv på Jordan" pp. 86-121 in Peter Seeberg & Morten Valbjørn (eds), Et andet nyt Mellemøsten, Odense University Press of Southern Denmark
    <The Continuity in the changes and the changes in the continuities - a post-democratic perspectiv on Jordan>
  • Seeberg, Peter & Morten Valbjørn (eds) (2008). "Introduktion: Et andet nyt Mellemøsten", in Seeberg, Peter & Morten Valbjørn (eds), Et andet nyt Mellemøsten, Odense University Press of Southern Denmark;
    <A different 'new Middle East'>.


  • Valbjørn, Morten et al. (2008). Jordan Mission Januar 2008 - Muligheder og udfordringer for partnerskab og dialog i et liberaliserende autokrati, Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    <Jordan Mission January 2008 - Possibilities and Challenges for partnership and dialogue in a liberalizing autocracy>

Edited volumes

  • Seeberg, Peter & Morten Valbjørn (eds), Et andet nyt Mellemøsten, Odense University Press of Southern Denmark.
    <A different 'new Middle East'>.


    • Valbjørn, Morten (2008). 'There are clearly cultural issues at play': A Note on Grasping Conceptual Slipperiness - the Idea(s) of Culture and its Turn(s), Working Paper . Aarhus Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus.




  • Valbjørn, Morten (2007). "Jordansk lokalvalg med nationale implikationer", Udenrigs, 62, 3, pp. 76-89
    [Jordanian Local Election with National Implications]
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2007). "Studiet af demokratiets (ir)relevans i et (u)almindeligt Mellemøsten - om ørkenvandringer, fatamorganaer, ørkenblomster og om at vandre i cirkler", Politica, 39, 2, pp. 111-137;
    [The Study of the (Ir)relevance of Democracy in an (un)execeptional Middle East]
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2007). "Libanonkrigen i skyggen af den Nye Arabiske Kolde Krig" in Lars Erslev Andersen, Søren Hove & Morten Valbjørn (eds), Nye Kolde Krige i Mellemøsten - USA's mellemøststrategi, situationen i Golfen og forandringer i den arabiske offentlighed, Odense Syddansk Universitetsforlag
    [The Lebanon-war in the shadow of the New Arab Cold War]
  • Valbjørn, Morten & André Bank (2007). "Signs of a New Arab Cold War: The 2006 Lebanon War and the Sunni-Shi‘i Divide", Middle East Report, 242.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2007). "Store fremskridt, små skridt på stedet eller ligefrem tilbageskridt? - det jordanske parlamentsvalg 2007", Mellemøstinformation, 24, 11.

Edited volumes


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2007). "Autokrati. Lang udsigt til demokrati i Jordan", Politiken, November 19.


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2006). "Blank, Blind or Blinded? - Cultural investigations in International Relations" pp. 199-224 in Knud Erik Jørgensen & Tonny Brems Knudsen (eds), International Relations in Europe: Traditions, Perspectives and Destinations, London: Routledge.


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2006). "Landeanalyse Jordan" in Analyse af Det Arabiske Initiativ og Anbefalinger til Næste Fase', Copenhagen Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 19 pp.


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2005). "Hvor og hvad er Jordan? Jordansk stats- og nationsbygning", Den Jyske Historiker, 110-111 (special issue on Nation, State and Religion in the modern Middle East), pp. 74-102.
  • Valbjørn, Morten & Lars Erslev Andersen (2005). "Mellemøsten: En (u)almindelig region - studiet af Mellemøsten i teorihistorisk perspektiv" pp. 115-130 in Lars Erslev Andersen, Søren Hove & Maj Vingum Jensen (eds), Mellemøsthåndbogen - Fakta om landene i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2005). "Jordan - landeprofil og historie" pp. 243-266 in Lars Erslev Andersen, Søren Hove & Maj Vingum Jensen (eds), Mellemøsthåndbogen - Fakta om landene i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2005). "Boganmeldelse: Robins, Philip . A History of Jordan.", Nyt fra Historien, LIV, Spring, pp. 15-16


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2004). Toward a 'Mesopotamian Turn': Disciplinarity and the Study of the international relations of the Middle East, Journal of Mediterranean Studies, vol 14,1-2. pp. 47-75.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2004). "Culture Blind and Culture Blinded: Images of Middle Eastern Conflicts in International Relations", pp. 39-78 in Dietrich Jung (ed.), The Middle East and Palestine: Global Politics and Regional Conflicts, N.Y.: Palgrave.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2004). "Book Review of Birthe Hansen. Unipolarity and the Middle East, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001", Arab Studies Journal, XI-XII, 2/1, pp. 122-125.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2004). Book Review: Raymond Hinnebusch. The International Politics of the Middle East, Middle East Journal, 58, 2 (Spring), pp. 320-322


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2003). ”Fra ’Jordan er Palæstina’ til ”Jordan Først’ – og tilbage igen?” in Erslev Andersen, Lars & Peter Seeberg. Det nye Mellemøsten, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2003). "Identitet og modernisering på Jordans dagsorden", Udenrigs, 58, 2, pp. 56-66.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2003). "The Meeting of the Twain - Bridging the Gap between Middle East Studies and International Relations", Cooperation & Conflict, 38, 2, pp. 162-173.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2003). ”Før og efter krigen: Olien under Saddam”, pp. 41-53 in Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard (ed.), USA Europa - fjender i fællesskab?, Copenhagen: Ræson & Forlaget Halfdan.
  • Valbjørn, Morten & Lars Erslev Andersen (2003): Under angreb - mellemøststudier efter 11. september, Kritik, Nr. 162/3
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2003): ”Jordan: Geo-og identitetspolitikkens genkomst”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 4, vol. 20 2003


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). "Før og efter krigen: Olien under Saddam", Ræson, Fjerde Kvartal (13. december).
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Jordans demokratisering: forsinkelse eller afvikling?”, Udenrigs nr. 3, 57. årg. 2002
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Oliemarkedet efter Saddam”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 12, vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Handler Irak-konflikten om olie...?”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 11 vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Bahrain: Valgoptakt med mislyde”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 10 vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Tegn på demokratisk forår i Golfens små oliestater”, Udenrigs nr. 2 57. årg.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). “Hvad gik galt og hva’ nu? – den mellemøstlige debat”, Rubicon, nr 2 vol. 10 maj.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Jordan: demokratisering sat på standby”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 8/9 vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Politisk forår i Golfen?”, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 5 vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). Islam og den muslimske demokratikløft, Mellemøstinformation, nr. 4 vol. 19
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”What went wrong? – den mellemøstlige debat”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 19 no 3
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2002). ”Palæstina efter Mr. Palestine”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 19 no 1


  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001). ”Den israelske fredsproces”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 12
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001).”Islam: Krigens eller fredens civilisation?”, Udenrigs nr. 1 56. årg.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001).”Palæstina-konfliktens mange målestokke”, FFH – Historielærerforeningens blad, August
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001).”Sanktionerer eller forbyder islam terror?”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 11
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001). ”Jordan er Palæstina” revisited, Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 10
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001). ”Al-Aqsa Intifadaens hjemmefronter” Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 7.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001).”Nyt kapitel i den iransk-russiske fortælling”, Udenrigs nr. 2 56. årg.
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001). ”Frit valg under kontrol – det iranske præsidentvalg 2001”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 6
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001). "Sharons Israel", Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no. 3
  • Valbjørn, Morten (2001)."Kompromisets diskurs – om israelske og palæstinensiske indrøm­melser”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 18 no 1


  • Valbjørn, Morten & Birthe Petersen (1999).”Brand i Hebron”, Mellemøstinformation, vol 16 no 12


  • Valbjørn, Morten (1998). "Frizone folder sig ud”, Export  no 10