Aleksandra Moroska Bonkiewicz (PI, Assistant Professor)
Bénédicte Lamound (Post Doc)
University of Warsaw
Franciszek Tyszka (Post Doc)
Aarhus University
Tore Vincents Olsen (PI, Associate Professor)
Fabio Wolkenstein (Associate Professor, untill August 2021)
Juha Tuovinen (Post Doc)
Consultative Committee
Academic members:
Professor Dr. Uwe Backes, Hannah Arendt Institute für Totalitarismusforschung, Technische Universität Dresden
Professor Dr Joost van Spanje; University of Amsterdam
Professor Nadia Urbinati Columbia University, New York
Professor Kaarlo Tuori, Member of the Venice Commission (and Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki)
Jacopo Leone, Democratic Governance Officer, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Professor Dimitris Christopoulos, president of International Federation for Human Rights (and Professor of state and legal theory, Panteion University of Athens)