Svend-Erik Skaaning (in press). "Democracy: Contested Concept with a Common Core." Pp. xx-xx in Adulai Abdul-Gafaru & Gordon Grawford (eds.), Research Handbook on Democracy and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Nic Cheeseman & Jørgen Elklit (2020, forthcoming). Understanding and Assessing Electoral Commission Independence. A new framework. London: Westminster Foundation for Democracy. 30 pages.
Agnes Cornell, Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning (2020). Democratic Stability in an Age of Crisis: A Reassessment of the Interwar Period. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Morten Valbjørn (2020). "Studying Identity Politics in Middle East International Relations Before and After the Arab Uprisings", pp. 251-269 in Raymond Hinnebusch & Jasmine Gani (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to the Middle East and North African State and States System. London: Routledge.
Morten Valbjørn (2019). "Dialogues in new Middle Eastern politics – on (the limits of) making historical analogies to the classic Arab Cold War in a sectarianized new Middle East", pp. 173-197 in Lorenzo Kamel (ed.) The Middle East: Thinking About and Beyond Security and Stability. Bern: Peter Lang.
Jørgen Elklit (2019). "The structure and performance of African electoral commissions." in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.
Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning (2018). Demokrati i en krisetid: Mellemkrigstidens Europa. København: Gyldendal.
Seeberg, Merete Bech (2018). State Capacity, Economic Control, and Authoritarian Elections. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Suthan Krishnarajan, Møller, Jørgen, Rørbæk, Lasse Lykke & Skaaning, Svend-Erik (2017). ” Democratization, Democracy, and Civil War”, pp. 68-76 in Backer et al. (eds.) Peace and Conflict 2017, London: Routledge.
Florian Van Leeuwen (2016). "Aggression." In T. K. Shackelford and V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (Switzerland: Springer), 1-6.
Morten Valbjørn (2016). "Reflections on self-reflections – On framing the analytical implications of the Arab uprisings for the study of Arab politics", in Raymond Hinnebusch (ed.) After the Arab Uprisings - Between democratization, counter-revolution and state failure (London: Routledge), 14-34.
Jakob Tolstrup (2015). “Russian Support for Secessionism and Pockets of Autocracy,” in Alexander Libman & Anastasia Obydenkova (eds.), Autocratic and Democratic External Influences in Post-Soviet Eurasia (Farnham: Ashgate), 109-132.
Casper Sakstrup & Kristina Jessen Hansen (forthcoming). "Revisiting the Emotion-Risk Interaction: Do Anger and Fear Moderate the Impact of Risk on Public Support for War?" International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
Tobias Ide, Anders Kristensen & Henrikas Bartusevičius (forthcoming). ”First comes the river, then comes the conflict? A qualitative comparative analysis of flood-related political unrest.” Journal of Peace Research.
Casper Sakstrup & Jakob Tolstrup (2020). "To Intervene or Not to Intervene? Democratic Constraints on Third-Party Support in Civil Wars". Government and Opposition. Online first.
Casper Sakstrup (2020). What’s going on next door? Irregular leader change in neighboring countries, uncertainty, and civil war. Journal of Peace Research. Online first.
Henrikas Bartusevičius, Florian van Leeuwen & Michael Bang Petersen (2020). “Dominance-driven autocratic political orientations predict political violence in Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD samples.” Psychological Science. Online first.
Svend-Erik Skaaning (2020). "Waves of Autocratization and Democratization: A Critical Note on Conceptualization and Measurement", Democratization. online first.
David Andersen & Jonathan Doucette (2020). ”State First? A Disaggregation and Empirical Interrogation.” British Journal of Political Science (online first).
Mikkel Sejersen (2020). "Winning Hearts and Minds with Economic Sanctions? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Venezuela", Foreign Policy Analysis (online first).
Andrej Kokkonen & Jørgen Møller (2020). ”Succession, Power-sharing, and the Development of Representative Institutions in Medieval Europe”. European Journal of Political Research, 59(4), 954-75.
Alexander Taaning Grundholm (2020). “Taking it personal? Investigating regime personalization as an autocratic survival strategy”. Democratization 27(5): 797-815.
Morten Valbjørn (2020). "Countering Sectarianism: The Many Paths, Promises, and Pitfalls of De-sectarianization". The Review of Faith & International Affairs 18(1): 12-22.
Morten Valbjørn (2020). "Beyond the Beyond(s): On the (Many) Third Way(s) beyond Primordialism and Instrumentalism in the study of Sectarianism". Nations and Nationalism 26(1): 91-107.
Fenja Søndergaard Møller (2020), “Performance legitimacy and conflict in African provinces”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 43(8): 706-727.
Merete Bech Seeberg (2019). "How State Capacity Helps Autocrats Win Elections." British Journal of Political Science. First view.
David Delfs Erbo Andersen & Suthan Krishnarajan (2019). “Economic Crisis, Bureaucratic Quality, and Democratic Breakdown,” Government & Opposition 54(4): 715-744.
Morten Valbjørn & Raymond Hinnebusch (2019). "Exploring the Nexus between Sectarianism and Regime Formation in a New Middle East: Theoretical Points of Departure". Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 19(1): 2-22.
Lasse Lykke Rørbæk (2019). “Religion, Political Power, and the ‘Sectarian Surge’: Middle Eastern Identity Politics in Comparative Perspective.” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 19(1): 23-40.
Jørgen Møller (2019). “Bringing the Church Back In: Ecclesiastical Influences on the Rise of Europe,” Politics and Religion, 12 (2): 213-226.
Suthan Krishnarajan (2019). “Crisis? What Crisis? Measuring Economic Crisis in Political Science” Quality and Quantity 53(3): 1479-1493.
Jørgen Møller (2019). "The Catholic Invention of Representative Government," The American Interest, 24 January.
Jørgen Elklit & Michael Malay (2019). "Why Ballot Secrecy Still Matters," Journal of Democracy 30(3): 61-75.
Thomas Ambrosio & Jakob Tolstrup (2019). "How do we tell Authoritarian Diffusion from Illusion? Exploring Methodological Issues of Qualitative Research on Authoritarian Diffusion", Quality & Quantity 53: 2741–2763.
Suthan Krishnarajan (2019). “Economic Crisis, Natural Resources, and Irregular Leader Removal in Autocracies,” International Studies Quarterly 63(3): 726-741.
Mikkel Sejersen (2019). "Democratic Sanctions meet Black Knight Support: Revisiting the Belarusian Case.” Democratization 26(3): 502-520.
Jakob Tolstrup, Michael Aagaard Seeberg & Johanne Glavind (2019). "Signals of Support from Great Power Patrons and the Use of Repression during Nonviolent Protests." Comparative Political Studies 52(4): 514-543.
Morten Valbjørn (2019). "What’s so Sectarian about Sectarian Politics? Identity Politics and Authoritarianism in a New Middle East". Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 19(1): 127-149.
Carl Henrik Knutsen; John Gerring; Svend-Erik Skaaning; Jan Teorell; Matthew Maguire; Michael Coppedge & Staffan I. Lindberg (2019). "Economic Development and Democracy: An Electoral Connection," European Journal of Political Research 58(1): 292-314.
Henrikas Bartusevičius & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2019). A two-stage approach to civil conflict: Contested incompatibilities and armed violence. International Organization 73(1): 225-248.
Fenja Møller (2019).” Blue blood or true blood: Why are levels of intrastate armed conflict so low in Middle Eastern monarchies?” Conflict Management and Peace Science 36(5): 517-544.
Lasse Lykke Rørbæk (2019). ”Ethnic exclusion and civil resistance campaigns: Opting for nonviolent or violent tactics?” Terrorism and Political Violence 31(3): 475-493.
Henrikas Bartusevičius (2019)."A congruence analysis of the inequality-conflict nexus: Evidence from 16 cases." Conflict Management and Peace Science 36(4): 339-358.
Morten Valbjørn (2018). "Unpacking a puzzling case: on how the Yemeni conflict became sectarianised". Orient 59(2): 65-73
Christopher Phillips & Morten Valbjørn (2018). "‘What is in a Name?’: The Role of (Different) Identities in the Multiple Proxy Wars in Syria". Small Wars & Insurgencies 29(3): 414-433.
Jørgen Møller (2018). "Resilient Democracies," The American Interest, 12 November.
Jørgen Møller (2018). "The Ecclesiastical Roots of Representation and Consent," Perspectives on Politics 16(4): 1075-1084.
Henrikas Bartusevičius & Svend-Erik Skaaning (2018). Revisiting democratic civil peace: Electoral regimes and civil conflict. Journal of Peace Research 55(5): 625-640.
Svend-Erik Skaaning (2018). "Different Types of Data and the Validity of Democracy Measures", Politics and Governance 6(1): 105-116.
Merete Bech Seeberg, Michael Wahman, and Svend-Erik Skaaning (2018). “Candidate Nomination, Intra-Party Democracy, and Election Violence in Africa.” Democratization 25(6): 959-977.
Bryce W. Reeder & Merete Bech Seeberg (2018). “Fighting Your Friends? A Study of Intra-Party Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Democratization 25(6): 1033-1051.
Frederick O. Wanyama & Jørgen Elklit (2018), ”Electoral violence during party primaries in Kenya”, Democratization 26(6): 1016-1032
Merete Bech Seeberg (2018). “Electoral Authoritarianism and Economic Control.” International Political Science Review 39 (1): 33–48.
Agnes Cornell Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning (2017) “The Real Lessons of the Interwar Years”, Journal of Democracy 28(3): 14-28.
Lasse L. Rørbæk (2017). "Killing in the Name of …? Types of Ethnic Groups and Armed Conflict’" Cooperation and Conflict 52 (4): 537–552.
Jørgen Møller (2017). “Medieval origins of the rule of law: The Gregorian reforms as critical juncture?”, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 9(2): 265-282.
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch & Mauricio Rivera (2017). “The Diffusion of Non-Violent Campaigns,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61(5): 1120-1145.
Cederman, Lars-Erik; Kristian Skrede Gleditsch & Julian Wucherpfennig (2017). “Predicting the Decline of Ethnic Conflict: Was Gurr Right, and for the Right Reasons?” Journal of Peace Research 54(2): 262-274.
Sara M.T. Polo & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2016). “Twisting Arms and Sending Messages: Terrorist Tactics in Civil War”, Journal of Peace Research, 53:6, pp. 815-829.
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch & Sara M.T. Polo (2016). “Ethnic Inclusion, Democracy, and Terrorism,” Public Choice, 169: 207, pp. 207-229.
Jørgen Møller, Carl Henrik Knutsen & Svend-Erik Skaaning (2016). “Going Historical: Measuring Democraticness before the Age of Mass Democracy”, International Political Science Review, vol. 37, no. 5. pp. 679-689.
Jørgen Møller, Svend-Erik Skaaning & Jakob Tolstrup (2017). "International Influences and Democratic Regression in Interwar Europe: Disentangling the Impact of Power Politics and Demonstration Effects." Government & Opposition 52(4): 559-586.
Jørgen Møller (2017). “The Birth of Representative Institutions: The Case of the Crown of Aragon”. Social Science History 41(2): 175-200.
Lasse Lykke Rørbæk & Allan Toft Knudsen (2017). “Maintaining ethnic dominance: Diversity, power, and violent repression.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 34(6): 640-659.
Jørgen Møller (2016). “A Framework for Congruence Analysis in Comparative Historical Analysis of Political Change”. Quality & Quantity 51(5): 2337-2355.
Michael Bang Petersen, Henrikas Bartusevicius & Florian (2016). ”Striving for Democracy? A Psychological Perspective on Democratization and Civil Conflict,” Special Issue of Comparative Democratization, Vol 14, No. 2.
Jørgen Møller, Svend-Erik Skaaning & Staffan Lindberg (2016). "Democratization and Civil Conflict", Special Issue of Comparative Democratization, Vol 14, No. 2.
Henrikas Bartusevičius (2016). Introducing the Categorically Disaggregated Conflict (CDC) dataset. Conflict Management and Peace Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 89-110.
Lasse Lykke Rørbæk (2016). “Islamic Culture, Oil, and Women’s Rights Revisited.” Politics and Religion, Vol. 9: 61–83.
Svend-Erik Skaaning, John Gerring and Henrikas Bartusevičius (2015). A Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 1491-1525.
Jørgen Møller (2018). "The Advantages of a Thin View," pp. 21-33 in May, Christoffer & Winchester, Adam (eds.) Handbook on the Rule of Law. Cheltenham & Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jakob Tolstrup (2015). "Black Knights and Elections in Authoritarian Regimes: Why and How Russia Supports Authoritarian Incumbents in Post‐Soviet States." European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 673–690.
Jørgen Møller (2015). "The Medieval Roots of Democracy." Journal of Democracy, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 110-126.