Evanthia K. Schmidt


Associate Professor, Associate Professor with Full Professor qualifications

Primary affiliation

Evanthia K. Schmidt

Areas of expertise

  • Research and Innovation Policy
  • RRI, Citizen Science
  • University Policy and Governance
  • Research Evaluation in Context
  • Diversity Policy and Strategy

Contact information

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I am an interdisciplinary researcher with full professor qualifications specializing in R&I. I have extensive experience in research management, international collaboration, team working, and knowledge co-creation and sharing. My projects focus on developing frameworks and sustainable models to influence research and societal dynamics. My research aims to improve the integration of research into society, address key societal challenges, and involve intensive communication and dissemination of research findings at the European, national, and institutional levels, as well as to the general public.


European science and innovation policy – RRI, citizen engagement and citizen science, the SDGs

Knowledge governance and policy - transformation of knowledge producing organisations, quality and internationalisation of universities

Evaluation in context (models, processes, outcome, and impact)

Gender diversity in knowledge production, diversity and inclusion in public/private organizations, indicators and impact 

Comparative cross-national studies, Qualitative methodology, Mixed methods

Teaching activities

I have taught courses and delivered lectures at several universities in Scandinavia, including Aarhus University, the University of Copenhagen, Uppsala University, Lund University, Örebro University, the University of Oslo. Additionally, I have given guest lectures at a number of international universities during research stays, such as Oxford University, Université Catholique de Louvain, the University of Tokyo, and International Christian University (ICU). I have also taught at the EU Institute in Japan. I have provided research-based advice and contributed to evidence-based policymaking for public authorities, including ministries, research councils, universities, private companies, and EU institutions. I have organized numerous conferences, workshops, and seminars both in Denmark and internationally. Furthermore, I have supervised PhD and MSc students and served as a mentor for postdocs. In addition, I have participated in academic committees assessing applications to PhD programmes abroad, including the University of Oxford and the University of Catalonia. I have also served as a member of recruitment and appointment committees, as well as PhD committees for the defense of doctoral dissertations in Denmark and abroad.


Through my involvement in numerous European and Nordic projects, I have gained extensive experience in initiating, designing, implementing, and leading large interdisciplinary projects involving numerous international researchers. As the national Danish coordinator, I have served as PI for large work packages, managing and leading research in collaboration with Danish and international research organizations, universities, and the private sector. This work has provided me with a broad international network and brought Aarhus University substantial external funding.


I have produced evidence-based policy documents, research reports, and evaluations, contributing to European research policy as an expert adviser to the EU, Nordic, and Danish authorities. For instance, the PRAGES project informed the EU's gender diversity strategy in research organizations, while the STAGES project impacted diversity policies at several European universities. The EFFORTI project developed tools and indicators to evaluate gender equality policies for research organizations and policymakers. My work in the Starbios and ResBios projects promoted public engagement, open access, gender equality and ethics in science across Europe. Additionally, the Step-Change project created a framework for involving citizen scientists in research to enhance societal impact. I have also served as an expert in evaluating ERC, Horizon Europe, H2020, FP7, and FP6 projects, and as a member of expert groups advising on the H2020 programme and the ERA. I regularly advice the EC, national bodies, and institutions.

Selected publications

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