Daniel Finke



Primary affiliation

Daniel Finke

Areas of expertise

  • international organizations
  • European Union
  • comparative politics
  • international institutions

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am a professor at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. I am a member of the Department’s section for Comparative Politics. My research focuses on decisoin making in the European Union and international organizations, with a special focus on studying the interactions between domestic and international politics.

Teaching activities

My teaching focuses on topics related to either comparative politics or international organizations . Recently I have taught courses on, inter alia, EU politics and on international cooperation in times of crisis at both the bachelor and master levels. I have also taught at the public policy program that is run jointly by the Political Science Department and the Economics Department. Finally, I have supervised theses at the bachelor, master, and Ph.D. levels.

Selected publications

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