Gert Tinggaard Svendsen



Primary affiliation

Gert Tinggaard Svendsen CV

Areas of expertise

  • Political Science

Contact information

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Email address


My main research areas are trust, social capital, climate policy, the welfare state, lobbying, and collective action problems. Additionally, research cooperation includes working with Professor Robert D. Putnam from Harvard University on a project about the historical roots of trust in Denmark.

Teaching activities

Teaches in the following topics: Collective action problems, social capital and trust; Climate policy; Public policy; Welfare economics; Lobbying in the EU and the USA; Rational Choice; Self-regulation; Volunteering and co-production.


Collaborates across disciplines in the following three networks:

iCLIMATE: Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change (Aarhus University)

LUMEN - Center for the Study of Lutheran Theology and Confessional Societies (Aarhus University)

TRAUST (Tracing the Underpinnings of Social Trust) (Aarhus University in collaboration with Kiel University, Germany)

Selected publications

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