Diana Schendel



Primary affiliation

Diana Schendel

Areas of expertise

  • psychiatric epidemiology
  • autism and neurodevelopment epi
  • health risks over the life course
  • nongenetic and genetic health risk

Contact information

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As professor, I conduct research primarily in neurodevelopmental epidemiology. I investigate the causes and consequences of neurodevelopmental conditions and neurodivergence over the life course, temporal and geographic trends in neurodevelopmental conditions, and gene-environment studies of autism and related mental disorders. I have a degree in biological anthropology and my professional background is primarily in neurodevelopmental epidemiology and public health, especially autism.


I conduct research on causes and consequences of autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions over the life course with a particular focus on factors linked to the origins of neurodivergence and long-term consequences related to health, quality of life and well-being. Using epidemiologic approaches applied to population-based data, my goal is to elucidate modifiable factors at the population level to improve health and well-being in neurodivergent individuals and their families.  

Teaching activities

My position at Aarhus University is only part time, therefore I have no specific teaching responsibilities. However, I actively contribute to the training and mentorship of students and trainees in my research areas via guidance in their degree programs, independent research efforts, and professional development.


Across my research projects, in addition to colleagues at Aarhus University, I collaborate with partners at University of Copenhagen, Karolinska Institutet, Drexel University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and University of Bristol. The project subject areas include both non-genetic and genetic factors at different points over the life course related to autism, related neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions, and neurodegenerative disorders.


I am a member of the International Society for Autism Research Board of Directors; and Associate Editor for the journal Autism Research.

Job responsibilities

My primary area of ​​responsibility is research in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental epidemiology over the life course, including autism and related conditions. I also contribute to training and mentorship of students, post-doctoral fellows and early career investigators with interest in my research areas.  

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