Louise Halberg Nielsen


PhD Student

Primary affiliation

Louise Halberg Nielsen

Areas of expertise

  • Political behavior
  • Political attitudes
  • Gender and politics
  • Women in politics

Contact information

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Email address


My current research centers on understanding persistent gender gaps in political participation. I am interested in understanding why women are less likely than men to engage in politics and run for office even in Denmark, where women have had political rights similar to men's for more than a century. My studies focus on e.g. women politicians' role model effects - how women politicians can (or cannot) inspire more women to engage in politics. I use both experiments, surveys and qualitative interviews to study the topics I am interested in.

Previously, I have studied citizen's political attitudes and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic on the HOPE-project. On the project, we took a data-driven approach to understanding e.g. citizen's support for political restrictions and voluntary behavior changes. Public outreach was a core part of the project.

Teaching activities

I have experience with teaching both gender and politics as well as quantitative and qualitative methods on both the BA and MA programme of Political Science.

Selected publications

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