Aarhus University Seal


Crash course in designing and analyzing experiments

Part 2.2.

Info about event


Monday 31 January 2022,  at 11:30 - 17:00

In this part 2.2 participants will have the opportunity to present an experimental design and get feedback from participants and organizers.

Only for participants who joined part 2.1.

Organizers: Kim mannemar Sønderskov and Lasse Laustsen


This course is in Danish



11.30-12.00 Frokost

12.00-12.30 Introduktion til pre-registrering af eksperimenter

12.30-13.15 1. Præsentation: Andreas

13.15-13.30 Pause

13.30-14.15 2. Præsentation: Didde, Søren, Viki

14.15-15.00 3. Præsentation: Kasper

15.00-15.15 Pause

15.15-16.00 4. Præsentation: Ida

16.00-16.45 5. Præsentation: Aske