Publications and working papers

Books, journal articles, and book chapters

Aarøe, Lene, Martin Baekgaard, Julian Christensen, and Donald P. Moynihan (2021). “Personality and Public Administration: Evidence from Policymakers’ Tolerance of Administrative Burdens in Welfare Services”, Public Administration Review 81(4): 652-663.  Available at: and freely available at:   

Bell, Elizabeth, Julian Christensen and Kristina Jessen Hansen (2022). "Resistance or capitulation? How discrete emotions shape citizens' interactions with the administrative state", American Review of Public Administration. 52(8): 535-557. Available at: Pre-print freely available at:  

Bell, Elizabeth, Julian Christensen, Pamela Herd, and Donald P. Moynihan (2023). "Health in Citizen-State Interactions: How Physical and Mental Health Problems Shape Experiences of Administrative Burden and Reduce Take-Up", Public Administration Review. 83(2): 385-400. Freely available at: or

Bækgaard, Martin (2023). "Borgernes oplevelse af administrative byrder i kontakten med det offentlige: Resultater og anbefalinger fra et forskningsprojekt", Administrativ Debat 2023(2): 29-32. Freely available at:

Bækgaard, Martin, Julian Christensen and Lene Aarøe (2020). ”Velfærdsstatens regler gør især ondt på de borgere, der har mest brug for hjælp”, pp. 42-46 in Caroline Howard Grøn, Anders Høeg Lammers, Frederik Appel Olsen og Anne Sophie Thingsted (red).  Politologisk årbog 2019-2020, København: Djøf Forlag.

Bækgaard, Martin, Julian Christensen, Jonas Krogh Madsen, and Kim Sass Mikkelsen. (2020). "Rallying around the flag in times of COVID-19: Societal lockdown and trust in democratic institutions", Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 3(2): 1-12. Freely available at and

Baekgaard, Martin, Matthias Döring and Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen (early view version). It´s not merely about the content: How rules are communicated matters to perceived administrative burden. Public Administration Review. Freely available at: 10.1111/puar.13751 and

Baekgaard, Martin, Aske Halling, and Donald Moynihan (forthcoming). Burden Tolerance: Developing a Validated Measurement Instrument across Seven Countries. Public Administration Review. freely available at:

Baekgaard, Martin, Pamela Herd, and Donald P. Moynihan (2023). "Of “Welfare Queens” and “Poor Carinas” Social Constructions, Deservingness Messaging, and the Mental Health of Welfare Clients", British Journal of Political Science 53(2): 594-612. Available at: and freely available at:

Baekgaard, Martin, and Jonas Krogh Madsen (forthcoming). “Anticipated administrative burdens: How proximity to compulsory meetings affect welfare recipients' experiences of administrative burden”. Public Administration. freely available at and

Baekgaard, Martin, Kim Sass Mikkelsen, Jonas Krogh Madsen, and Julian Christensen (2021). “Reducing Compliance Demands in Government Benefit Programs Improves the Psychological Well-Being of Target Group Members”. Journal of Public Administration research and Theory. 31(4): 806-821. Freely available at: and

Baekgaard, Martin, Donald P. Moynihan and Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen (2021). “Why Do Policymakers Support Administrative Burdens? The Roles of Deservingness, Political Ideology and Personal Experience”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31(1): 184-200. Freely available at: and

Baekgaard, Martin and Tara Tankink (2021). "Administrative Burden: Untangling a Bowl of Conceptual Spaghetti", Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. Freely available at and

Bækgaard, Martin and Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen (2021). ”Den personlige bagage: Betydningen af kommunalpolitikernes erfaringer”, pp. 153-168 in Lotte Bøgh Andersen og Ulrik Kjær (eds). Kommunalpolitisk lederskab – Tæt på borgerne i de lokale fællesskaber, København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.    

Cecchini, Mathilde (forthcoming). Into the Unknown: Conceptualizing the Experience of Uncertainty in Citizen-State Interactions. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance.

Christensen, Julian, Donald P. Moynihan, Pamela Herd, Lene Aarøe, and Martin Baekgaard (2020). Human Capital and Administrative Burden: The Role of Cognitive Resources in Citizen-State Interactions. Public Administration Review 80(1): 127-136. Freely available at:

Guul, Thorbjørn S., Mogens J. Pedersen, and Niels B. G. Petersen. (2021). Creaming among Caseworkers: Effects of Client Competence and Client Motivation on Caseworkers' Willingness to Help. Public Administration Review. 81(1): 12-22. Available at: Post-print freely available at:

Halling, Aske (2023). Administrative Burdens: How Are They Implemented at the Frontline, and Who Supports Them?, Aarhus: Politica (phd-dissertation). Freely available at:

Halling, Aske, and Martin Baekgaard (2024). "Administrative Burden in Citizen-State Interactions: A Systematic Review". Journal of Public Administration research and Theory. 34(2): 180-195. Freely available at: 10.1093/jopart/muad023. Pre-print available at:

Halling, Aske, Pamela Herd, and Donald P. Moynihan (2023). "How Difficult Should It Be? Evidence of Burden Tolerance from a Nationally Representative Sample", Public Management Review. 25(11): 2053-2072.  Freely available at: and

Halling, Aske, and Niels Bjørn Petersen (forthcoming). Frontline Employees' responses to Citizens Communication of Administrative Burdens. Public Administration Review. Freely available at: 10.1111/puar.13800 and

Jilke, Sebastian, Martin Baekgaard, Pamela Herd, and Donald Moynihan (accepted for publication). "Short and Sweet: Measuring Experiences of Administrative Burden". Journal of Behavioral Public Administration. Freely available at:

Kjærgaard, Mette, Martin Baekgaard, and Ulrich Thy Jensen (2020). “The Psychological Costs of Citizen Coproduction”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 30 (4): 656-673. Available at: Freely availbale at:

Madsen, Jonas Krogh, Martin Baekgaard, and Jon Kvist (´2023). "Scarcity and the Mindsets of Social Welfare Recipients: Evidence from a Field Experiment". Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 33(4): 675-687. Freely available at: and

Madsen, Jonas Krogh, Kim Sass Mikkelsen, and Donald P. Moynihan (2022). "Burdens, Sludge, Ordeals, Red Tape, Oh My! A User's Guide to the Study of Frictions." Public Administration 100 (2): 375-393. Freely available at: and

Mikkelsen, Kim Sass, Jonas Krogh Madsen, and Martin Baekgaard (2024). "Is stress among street level bureaucrats associated with experiences of administrative burden among clients? A multilevel study of the Danish unemployment sector", Public Administration Review 84(2): 248-260. Freely available at and

Moynihan, Donald P., Julie Gerzina, and Pamela Herd (2022). "Kafka's Bureaucracy: Immigration Administrative Burdens in the Trump Era", Perspectives of Public Management and Governance, 5(1): 22-35. Freely available at:

Moynihan, Donald P., Eric Giannella, Pamella Herd, and Julie Sutherland (2022). "Matching to Categories: Learning and Compliance Costs in Administrative Processes", Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 32(4): 750-764. Freely available at:

Ray, Victor, Pamela Herd, Donald P. Moynihan (2023). "Racialized Burdens: Applying Racialized Organization Theory to the Administrative State", Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 33(1): 139-152. Freely available at: and

Schjødt, Rasmus Jensen (2023). Implications of active labour market politics for wellbeing: The case of young unemployed people in Denmark, Aarhus: Politica (phd-dissertation). Freely available at:


Baekgaard, Martin, Søren Albeck Nielsen, Michael Rosholm, and Michael Svarer. 2023. "Long-term health and employment effects of compliance demands: evidence from five field experiments". Paper presented at the 2023 PMRC Conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Baekgaard, Martin, Aske Halling and Donald P. Moynihan. 2023. "Conceptualizing and Measuring Burden Tolerance: Developing an Instrument across Seven Countries". Paper presented at the 2023 IRSPM Conference in Budapest, Hungary and the 2023 PMRC Conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Halling, Aske and Martin Baekgaard. 2022. "Administrative Burden in Citizen-State Interactions: A Systematic Literature Review". Available at:

Halling, Aske and Niels Bjørn Grund Petersen. 2021. "How Citizens Feedback of Administrative Burdens Affect Frontline Employees' Willingness to Reduce Compliance Costs and Help Clients. Evidence from an Experiment. Paper prepared for the 2021 DPSA Conference held at Vejlefjord, Denmark.

Madsen, Jonas Krogh, Martin Baekgaard, and Jon Kvist. 2021. "Scarcity and the experiences of benefit recipients: Evidence from a field experiment". Paper prepared for the 2021 DPSA Conference held at Vejlefjord, Denmark. 

Halling, Aske (2021). "Taxing Language: Does Interpreting Fees Affect Healthcare Take-up?”. Paper prepared for the 2021 NIG Conference in The Netherlands.

Madsen, Jonas krogh, Martin Baekgaard, and Jon Kvist. 2021. "Scarcity and the experiences of benefit recipients: Evidence from a field experiment". Paper prepared for the 2021 EGPA Conference in Brussels, Belgium.

Baekgaard, Martin & Tara Tankink. 2021. "Administrative Burden: Untangling a Conceptual Bowl of Spaghetti". Paper prepared for the 2020 NoPSA Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. (post-poned to 2021 and held online).

Baekgaard, Martin, Pamela Herd & Donald P. Moynihan. 2019. "Poor Carina" and Lazy Robert": Social Constructions and the Mental Health of Welfare Clients.  Paper prepared for the 2019 PMRC Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.  

Baekgaard, Martin, Mette Kjaergaard Thomsen & Donald P. Moynihan. 2019. Why Do Politicians Support Administrative Burdens? Conceptualizing and Explaining Burden Tolerance.  Paper prepared for the 2019 EGPA Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Christensen, Julian. 2019. Theoretical argument and design proposal: Cognitive Resources and Citizens' Reactions to Administrative Burdens. Paper prepared for the 2019 EGPA Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Halling, Aske. 2019. Taxing language: Examining How Policy Designs Affect Healthcare Take-Up of Immigrants. Paper prepared for the 2019 EGPA Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.