Rune Stubager



Primary affiliation

Rune Stubager CV

Areas of expertise

  • Electoral behaviour
  • Danish politics
  • Public opinion
  • Political Sociology

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I conduct research into party choice and public opinion - i.e. into why voters have the political attitudes that they do and why they vote for the parties that they do. In particular, I focus on the importance of social factors such as voters' position in the social structure or perceptions of social groups in society. The main focus of my research is Denmark and I have, since 2011, been co-PI of the Danish National Election Study (see

Teaching activities

I teach within a broader range of topics in connection with my research with a particular emphasis on political behaviour, political sociological explanations of political behaviour, quantitative research methods as well as Danish politics.

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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