Ph.d.-forsvar: That's the system

Lasse Schmidt Hansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 3. september 2021,  kl. 14:15 - 16:00


Aud. A 1 (1333/101)

Lasse Schmidt Hansen
Lasse Schmidt Hansen Foto: Aarhus BSS

Med henblik på erhvervelse af ph.d.-graden i Statskundskab præsenterer Lasse Schmidt Hansen sin ph.d.-afhandling ved en offentlig forelæsning efterfulgt af et forsvar.

Emnet for forelæsningen er:
The concept of bureaucratic decoupling describes a phenomenon where social clients do not perceive frontline workers’ decisions as a realization of public policy. How is bureaucratic decoupling governed by an institutional order? To what extent do the mechanisms suggested in the theory on bureaucratic decoupling resemble (or not) mechanisms suggested by theories on frontline work? And to what extent can we expect to find bureaucratic decoupling in institutional orders different from the one studied here?

Afhandlingen har titlen: 
That's the system: An Ethnographic and Theoretical Account of Bureaucratic Decoupling in Welfare Encounters

Academic Vice Rector Gitte Sommer Harrits, Via University College
Professor Vincent Dubois, University of Strassbourg
Professor Lasse Lindekilde, Aarhus University

Tid & sted:
Fredag den 3. september 2021 kl. 14.15-16.00 i Aud. A 1 (1333/101)